Date and place of birth: 8 April 1950/FALFANI, ARGES, ROMANIA

Tel: 0031 (0) 6 11 20 17 87

E-mail: [email protected]

Adress: De Kempenaerware 23/8014 RD/ZWOLLE



Activity:       during 29 years puppets and marionettes actress of the Theatre Tandarica in Bucharest, Romania. Theatre “Tandarica” won in Holland the “Erasmus” Prize in 1978;


during 33 years reporter – permanent collaborator of National Radio Bucharest to the Adolescent’s Club, Art’s Club (Theatres, Paintings, Sculptures, Tapestries, Collections and Monuments) and Symphonic Department; the poems recited are all in the Golden Phonoteque of National Radio Bucharest; different post-synchrons for movies and different voices for animation films and stories for children;


research in direct relation between actor and puppet;

research puppet in direct relation with water and fire;

research in musicals, symphonic music and opera with puppets;

teacher for art with different puppets, marionettes, shadows,

silhouettes in direct relation with painting;

workshop: “The puppet as a plastic form in movement”; 


articles in different newspapers and revues;

published a book of poems “The life and the death in colors and sounds”;

published caricatures in different  newspapers and revues;

painted icons on glass and naïve-art which are displayed in different private collections;

scenery writer and director of the show “Nobody is perfect” with fragments from poems of Federico Garcia Lorca;

writer of the libretto for Laura Manzat Simion for chamber opera “Shakespeare Fashion House” whose first world audition was in “Mihail Jora” Concert Hall of Radio Bucharest in July 3rd, 2003.


Communication in Dutch, Romanian, French, English.


Some of my works


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