Welcome to Ketrisoft V1.1

:: Welcome to the Ketrisoft V1.1 ::

Welcome to V1.1
Quick Links :: News | Ramblings | Email | AIM Me | Forum | Games | Graphics | Midis | Programs | Network | Top sites list ::

DBZ Music
Lucca's Theme
Ahead On Our Way
Gang Plank Galeon
Aeris Theme Remix
FF1 Battle
FF9 Battle Remix
FF6 Battle
FFMQ Battle
FFFemale Mix {23 minutes long}
FF4 Battle
::..Short News..::

My new website is up and running!
::..Enter the network..::

Enter The Ketrisoft Network
User Name:  


My new site!

19:42, 24 Aug, 2001
Well i'v made a new site and I think you will like it. Even though its about a game, its not being released under the ketrisoft label because I feel that i'v shut it down. Anyway please visit it and have fun!

Blarg Online

Bye!!! for good? I don't know

09:08, 14 Aug,2001
Well I guess you want to know whats going on, well I'v finally decided to quit rpg makering for good and also makeing web pages for a while. I'v taken this decision because I feel its time to have a rest and work on my new project/s or maybe just because i'm fed up with the game makeing scene. Anyway i'v decided to close down my homepage and Ketrisoft but the Ketrisoft stuff will still be up to anyone that really needs it (not like there is that much here lol). Anyway soon I will probably just put a link up to anything new im makeing or something, anyway if you still want to chat to me and things give me a call at YoshiClimtini on aim [email protected] on msn and email me at that address if u wanna email me. Anyway I guess this is goodbye from me and I thank every fan thats come here so far and stuff............ Yoshi Climtini.... Signing off.....


15:08,28 Jul,2001
Okay since im going away midday on monday I guess this is a seya from me untill Friday when I get back I will probably edit my homepage. And thats another reason why I decided to say Bye. I'm takeing a break from makeing Ketrisoft so i'm gonna leave it up for people to see and when I finish makeing the template for my homepage, I will update again. Hmmm anyway I will put the link up so you can see how its coming on. Seya.

My Homepage

Taken down demo and added scroll Bar colors

17:15,26 Jul,2001
Today I taken off the Manlia demo (as it isnt finished) and I added in the colored scroll bar so the site looks better than normal. Also I am programing the top sites list as I write this and it should be ready quite soon.Thanks.

Oh and also next monday i'm going on holiday for a week so I will do a last update on sunday evening.

Manlia Demo V1.0 Avalible

13:20,25 Jul,2001
I have uploaded the zip for the demo of Manlia and its ready for download, please read the instructions on the games page and download!, more news later or tommorow

Network Preview Page is up

12:06,24 Jul,2001
I have uploaded and changed all the pages to now link to the network page now sometimes the network page may not work because it is hosted on a totaly different server to geocities that supports cgi and perl scripts so hopefully I can set up all the cgi scripts there instead of getting them hosted (thats if my server fixes there cgi bug ¬_¬ )Anyway its just a demo of what it will look like.

Screens Midis and forums

19:03, 23 Jul,2001
I have uploaded a few screenshots from the demo of Walabina and uploaded them to the site so you can look at them, I have added some new midis for you to listen to and also I have removed the forum as I will be getting a better one soon.Tommorow I will probably try and get the password gate to work and make some more graphics.

Games and Top sites list

15:04, 23 Jul,2001
I have made the games page and added two extra links at the top, Network and Top sites list.

Here you will be able to sign up for the network and find out what kind of things the network will include

Top sites list

Here you will be able to submit your site to Ketrisoft, it dosent matter what kind of site it is just any sites and we will see who comes first, each week there will be a new award given to the leaders.

More later....


13:00, 23 Jul, 2001
I have just now done a huge programes page and updated all the links to the different pages done so far (programs,midis,home,graphics) and also later on I will try and get the ketrisoft network sign up done so you can sign up and enter later when its made.


11:37, 23 Jul, 2001
I have added the new graphics section today with some graphics I drawn from the new game Walabina, all I did was edit the character graphics to make it look like a real side on battle, I will be makeing more soon.

Today I will probably try and find a free cgi-bin server that dosen't have any ads and I can use cgi there so I can get newspro and any other cgi goodies that I can find, Hopefully I will also add some more midis later on today also so expect some of them later.

Well thats all for now so seya


19:20,22 July, 2001
I may be adding an invisible top and side frame to the site so it makes it easier for me to edit the site so I don't have to add new midi hyperlinks to every page but just one, this new process will mean that I won't be making new pages untill I can get frontpage 2000 (hopefully this week) also soon i'm going to add a links page to here so I can give you links to places that should be of interest to you.

Also if anyone knows a place where I can get a free hosted newspro can you either aim me or email me, thanks.

Thats all for today so hopefully I will update tommorow ok bye

We are up

22 July 2001
Yep and with the new v1.1 layout and a forum, The forum is still being worked on and all the other pages are being worked on also so it all fits in with the same layout. Hopefully I will create the pages soon enough and get downloads working and stuff. Also we now have midi's because everyone loves midi's so im gonna be uploading them and putting them on here for people to download and play. Oh also I am doing everything now in pure html so it's gonna take quite long till I can use this layout to its best. Also note that the forum is still at the YaBB default colors so it does look a bit weird and it also dosen't have any boards except general, please sign-up and start chatting.

Please also note that the midis may have strange names {ie. DBZ Music} because I either Don't know their real names, or I have never heard them before but have just named them that because thats what there filename is

And the Ketrisoft network log in box has been put up so when the application form is out you can sign up for it

Afiliates And Special Thanks

None yet, please email me or aim me if you want to be an affiliate

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