Just Justin Gallery 2 mmm Justin...
That bag contains me...
The famous boyband chairdance... Justin NEVER drops his chair, right Justin?
It's the Smiling Foot-Head....
Britney: Yeah, and then after we go to Sears, we're gonna go to Macy's, then Bloomie's, then Victoria's Secret, and then we'll go to Wal-Mart, and K-Mart, 'cause I used to shop there and get real good clothes when I was a kid, and then we'll go to even more stores, because I need more sexy clothes, because I don't have enough....
Justin(thinking to himself): Why the
hell did I go out with this chatterbox-y airhead, who only wants to look sexy... I should have gone out with KT, cause she's waaaaay better than this moronic shop-aholic...
This is where Justin is headed if he doesn't stop and repent for going out with Britney Spears...
Justin(sobbing): Britney left me for the damn prince of England... boo hoo...
JC: It's OK, there's always KT, ya know...!
Nick: This, is how you play B-ball, Brillo Pad!
Justin: Hey Prickolous! You just stepped in some dog shit!!
Justin gets in shit for being too cocky about his 'Crunk B-ball skills, baby!"
He's a little too happy about being there... ah those double A's have NOTHING on my C's...!
"Which one's finer? Me or this bowling ball...?"
I thought you'd
never ask... you of course, Justin!
He just realised just how hot he is... he's happy!
Justin's sexy little pose... he's an angel... mmmJustin...
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