Kestral's Nest
Welcome to my doll site, Kestral's Nest! (Lookie at my new dragon guardian of my site on this lovely layout by Imbri) Here's my own personal art gallery where you can view my dolls (and unlike a real art gallery you can look at my work in your PJs, with no makeup on, or even naked if that's what takes your fancy [provided you are using the internet in your own home, or someone you know really really well's home, and not say, in an internet cafe, at work etc]) So take a look around and be my guest!

Update - 17th June

Woah, a whole month without updating! Well I only have one doll to add cos I've been doing exams, a doll of Jean Grey/Phoenix from Xmen: The Last Stand. Here's hoping I've passed my degree, results are in 28th June, EEEP!!

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