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  Konnichi Wa! Welcome to my 15 megabyte piece of Hell! I, SSj Heero, the NEW king of Hell, has succeeded in taking over the internet! Well, 15 megabytes at least... Just look around my site if you want, and email me if you like, just PLEASE have SOME respect to the King of Hell and sign his friggin G-Book! Oh yeah, another thing, Amiko-chan has taken over the world, respect her too, and you shall be spared from destruction... And that Trunks Maxwell guy... He'll kill you if you get in his way... Don't insult this trigger-happy trio...
NOTE: I'd rate this site a PG. It has minor cursing, some blood maybe, but that's about it. Plus I warn you, but its probably too late, this site has music and if it annoys you, just turn off you speakers, there's too many sites for me to work on if I try to remove it, 'kay?!

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Faye's Hot. Yeah, I said I abandoned the site, but Pagebuilder is fun. Building the site from scratch is funner.
03/15/01 18:02
It's been a long time, Kessitan 195... But this ain't no update, but an announcement. I have given up on this site due to low traffic (WHY CAN'T IT BE LIKE MY TWINZAMVDUO'S HEYDAY?!). I have a new tripod site (making my third site total) the site is
Anime NEXT. In my opinion, it kicks this site's ass.

02/21/01 14:29
Finally... After a LONG LONG delay, Amiko finally finished the next chapter of Ginga GIRI GIRI! Yea! Go there now!

02/13/01 17:23
SSj Heero
Okay... After a long delay because of my new Eva DVD (YEA!) I finally announce my fiction: Ginga GIRI GIRI! Go to the main section to find out what it is! I also added MORE words to ap Lessons. I soon will update the anime contest.

02/08/01 19:03
SSj Heero
I'm getting lazy... Well Anyway, just here to tell ya a fic by ME is on the way! But until Amiko reads it, just wait...

02/02/01 17:45
SSj Heero
ANOTHER layout change... I added Anime Email! Above, there are email addresses to choose from (i.e. planetnamek.org or saiyan.com) Pick one!

02/01/01 15:39
SSj Heero
I announce a slight change in this site's MAIN PAGE layout. Nothing else changed except changed the background for the other main sites.
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