megan derby

i am 14 years old i love to roller skate and hang out with my best friends.  i am 5'5"  i have brown hair and brown eyes.  i like to play vollyball and tennis.  but most of the time i go out and drive around with my boyfriend.  i love you steve!

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i love to shop, go to parties, hangout with my friends, roller skating, going to the movies and all that crap

i think my family's weird my mom is really cool she lets me do anything i want.  my step dad went to jail like 10 times for D.U.I. in fact he's in jail now.  my dad's a lawyer and he's rich and he always complains that he don't have enough money.  my step mom can be nice at times but if we make 1 little mistake she'll get so mad. she has 1,000 rules.  shes like one of those religious types of people.  my brother's 17 years old and hes really immature.  it seems like i'm the only normal one in the family

my friends are awsome!!!!!
there's kayli- shes 12 years old she can get a real attitude problem sometimes! but shes really pretty and popular! she's been my friend since forever and i know we'll be friends till the day we die!  theres keri- shes ok i guess. shes 13 years old but she likes to lie alot.  theres cassia shes 14 years old and shes really popular and pretty too but she also has and attitude problem just like kayli.  there's kyla shes 14 shes popular but she isn't that pretty.  there's chris he's 15 i think and hes kaylis boyfriend. theres curt thats kylas boyfriend. and last but not least is steve-he's 17 he's my boyfriend and i love him to death!!!!!!!!!!

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