Mark Kerbel's Personal Website

Mark's Home Topics for Consideration Interesting Readings:
Business, Energy, Environment
Interesting Readings:
Child Education and Behaviour
Practical Energy Savings Interesting Links
  • Do you remember when you used to be able to see a totally blue horizon instead of some blue mixed with a hazy brown layer, and there was a distinctively fresh smell to the air in the morning? Does it bother you that your kids can't experience this anymore?
  • Are you depressed when realizing how difficult it is to bring attention to environmentally friendly energy and transportation methods -- especially when there exist a number of "baby steps" that are so simple to implement?
  • Do you assume that it is impossible to formulate a business where "doing the right thing" and capitalistic behaviour can coexist?

    If you sympathize with my frustrations, then read on. I'll now step off of the soapbox... :-)



    What's new on this site?

    • Feb 2/06: A new book ("The First Idea") on a new theory of how children develop reason through emotion.
    • Aug 21/05: Added a bunch of books to the Kid's Readings page.
    • Mar 28/05: A light-hearted read on the do's and don'ts of starting an organization.

    Environmental / Energy Topics for Consideration


      This is Mark Kerbel's personal website, a place where I can note my $0.02 worth about topics that occupy my thoughts. The themes herein deal primarily with my energy and environmental concerns. Given my professional background in Ontario's electricity and financial sectors (spanning business, regulatory, and information systems perspectives), most of the topics will focus on energy issues, covering a wide range of topics spanning concepts such as consumption attitudes, regulatory frameworks, waste reduction, low-emission transportation power sources, economic constraints, renewable technologies, distributed generation, and industry participant attitudes. This isn't going to be a "how to select a windmill" website, since there's far more to the issues at hand IMHO, and this website is intended to be a place for me to voice a smattering of thoughts. Like 'em or not, let me know what you think either way. :-) This will be a continually growing website, and will be modified when I have the time and desire to add more content.

      I've since started a blog where I posted "miscellaneous ramblings" that come to mind on environmental energy topics.

      If you'd like to know what I do professionally, see REGEN Energy, which I co-founded in Jan 2005.

      Rest assured I'm not a fanatic (Hey, I still love car racing :-), rather, I'm focused on deriving practical solutions that can be implemented using a combination of good 'ol fashioned common sense and what I refer to as environmental capitalism. There's nothing that says you can't have an economically profitable business that can't simultaneously be a socially and environmentally responsible organization. That's my ultimate goal. How will we get there? Stay tuned, as Roman Kulyk and I are forming a new company (Jan/05) to put our theories into practice.

      If you'd like to read or participate in such discussions, please feel free to contact me.

      P.S.: Yes, I know the web site is utilitarian ("ugly"? :-). If you want to volunteer your time to spruce it up, I'd be more than happy to hear from you (and would obviously provide acknowledgement of said help).

    Interesting Reading

      Since I keep adding to this list, and it's already quite length, I've moved it to a separate Readings page.

      Toronto Public LibraryFor the convenience of Toronto resident, I've provided links to the Toronto Public Library's system to locate the books and authors noted. Their web site also provides handy links to additional books of the same classification.

    Interesting Links

      I've placed a number of interesting links on a separate Links page.


    • The August 2003 blackout, where out on Lake Ontario during the Saturday after the blackout, I noticed that the horizon spanning the entire Greater Toronto Area was completely clear of smog on a not-windy warm summer day, most likely due to the lack of additional pollutants (from generation plants, industrial operations, and curtailed road traffic) for only a day and a half. As corny as it sounds, I had an epiphany that moment, realizing I had to do something about the energy situation in my backyard.
    • John Wilson (an old IT colleague) and his family for their attitudes and most importantly actions which spawned further thinking of my own. Their house, in terms of elegant style, interesting design, and efficient technical features is a model of a family home that doesn't sacrifice comfort one bit while being environmentally super-friendly.
    • Many friends and industry colleagues who have spawned further discussion (You know who you are, some of whom would prefer to remain confidential, but I'll eventually contact you to ask for your permission to give credit where credit is due).

    Contact Information

      Email: kerbelm @
      ...and just in case you're wondering, no, I'm not the Mark Kerbel in Toronto who's in the legal profession.
    . . .
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