UDF Scores big win! CPM and allies routed in Eelection! BJP failed to win a single seat. All the results
Kerala Forum does not support any single party. In general we oppose all communal parties, though exceptionally good (personally) candidates will get our support even if they belong to Muslim League, Kerala Congress or BJP. Also wherever possible we will oppose some candidates and will support a few others crossing all party lines.

If we have no idea about the main candidates or we consider both the main candidates to be useless, we will advocate people to use their local knowledge or vote for the third or fourth candidate.

The people of Kerala has to go through an election this year. Over the years, the politically conscious state had been the test case and the battelground of many 'firsts' in India starting from the Communist Rule to the Coalition Governments.

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[Courtesy Unnikrishnan, Mathrubhumi Calicut]

This time we may also score another first - electing a fourth class government after being ruled by one of the worst ministries we have ever seen.

The state was formally formed in 1956 and the first elected government was the Communist (first ever elected one in the world) Ministry headed by late E.M.S Namboothiripad. EMS Minstry was dismissed in 1959. In 1960 the first coalition of Congress, PSP and Muslim League formed the ministry under Pattom Thanu Pillai of PSP. Pattom was promoted as the Governor and R Shankar took charge. But Shankar Ministry though laid the foundation for many far reaching changes in the educational and industrial sectors of Kerala, was pulled down by the reactionary forces within the Congress itself. Kerala Congress was formed mainly based on the Christian strongholds in Travancore area, supported by communal forces headed by Pillai & Co. The state was under Presidents Rule by now. The next election was in 1965 when Congress stood alone. Though Congress managed about 39 seats and Kerala Congress 24, no one had majority. No ministry was formed. Today's any-party coalition philosophy was still not there. After long years of President's direct rule, E.M.S Namboothiripad again formed a 7 party coalition with a majority of 117 seats in the Assembly. Congress managed only 9 and Kerala Congress just 5. E.M.S ministry of 67 was not very different from that of 57. In many ways it was worse. All the single man parties and ministers had no accountability at all. Parties fought each other and soon the ministry collapsed in 1969.

By this time changes were happening in the political scene throughout India. Nehru was no longer alive (died in 1964). Shastri too was dead in 1966. Indira Gandhi entered the scene in 1966. The generation who fought in the independence struggle was slowly falling behind. Congress monopoly was questioned in many states. North India was to witness the ugliest 'Aya ram and Gaya ram' politics. The coalition governments formed by these parties and leaders were far worse than that of Congress. They all fought and stole whatever they can.

After the fall of E.M.S Ministry in 1969, Indira Gandhi dispatched the Raj Sabha member of CPI, C. Achutha Menon to Kerala to head a 'mini front' supported by Congress and Kerala Congress from outside. Though wafer thin majority this ministry survived. Soon Achutha Menon called for an election. Again the 'mini front' won against the CPM led front, though the majority was small. Achutha Menon became the Chief Minister again. The state saw some stability. Soon Congress too joined the ministry. Congress especially Youth Congress leaders were not corrupt ( at least compared to today's extravaganza). Soon this changed. A taste of power changed the situation. Youth Congress leaders, most of whom came through Kerala Students Union, forgot the roots. Bribes and nepotism became the norm. Ideals were thrown into waste paper basket.

To be continued...

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