Mele Lyn Cosare
Ok, so here's what happened...
    Early Thursday morning, at about 1:30 am, I decided to wake mom up with some serious contractions.  I was getting ready to come into this world and I wanted them to get ready for me. 

     Mom and Dad got the hint and they went to the hospital in Walnut Creek.  After torturing mom with several hours of labor I decided to grace the world with my presence.  I also thought I would kiss up to Grandma Stanger by being born on her birthday:)  What can I say?  I'm kissing up to grandma early? 
     Aside from a few minor complications, Mom and I were both doing well.  So well in fact that we came home from the hospital the next day.  Luckily for mom and dad they had a lot of help from all their friends and family.
     My big sister Uilani was passed around like a hot potato.  When I went to the hospital they dropped her off at Grandma Cosare's house, then she went to Grandma Stanger's house that evening.  Then she was picked up by Grandma Cosare and passed along to Aunty CaRho.  Poor Ui didn't make it back home until  late Saturday night!  But the help was greatly appreciated.  That kind of help, as well as dinner from some loved friends made Mom and Dad's first few days home a lot easier.  Thanx!
Mother: Shayla Cosare
Father: George Cosare
Born on: October 23, 2003
Born at: John Muir Medical Center
Weight: 8 lbs.  0 oz.
Height: 20 inches
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
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Other Web Pages
Uilani's Web Page
Pictures of My Family and I
Dad's Home Page
My Mom and Dad
2003 Christmas Pictures
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