Cruel Angel New Projects

Always looking toward the future, I thought I'd tease you guys with a few possible future releases for Cruel Angel Productions.  Remember, nothing's set in stone.  Feel free to suggest titles.  Also, sponsors are the real heroes of fansubs.  Can't even begin a translation without a raw source (remember how expensive Japanese stuff is)
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<<Tentative future Sub candidates>>

Kamen Rider Agito 25-51
There are 3 main characters and a wealth of wonderful sub characters that surround these characters, so writing a summary is impossible.  It has everything, humor (it's a very funny series), drama, action, and oodles of mysteries.

Probability of being sub:
Very high, it's just a question of time and money

Why sub it?:
I love this series T_T  It's sooo good!  It's perfect!  Plus a good translation is kind of needed to understand all the humor and mysteries.

Asahi page

<Completed>Otasuke Girl
Can't find any information on this series

Probability of being sub:
Hard to say, they're releasing half hour episodes 1 per DVD.  So I'm guessing it's like a 6 part OVA?  (Yes, I know OVA means original video animation)  Money is a big problem when I don't know anything about the series

Why sub it?:
To be honest, I know nothing about this series.  But it looks like a magical girl series, how can it go wrong?  Plus the girl from Agito is in it, she's the one with really long hair


<Completed>Hunter X Hunter Musical 2 "nightmare of Zaoldyeck"
Something to do with Zaoldyeck?

Probability of being sub:
Very high, the question is time and money.  (Finding it is a bastard.  It was released as a limited preorder for Japan only!)  I've never seen it go for less than 100 dollars T_T

Why sub it?:
HxH Musical 1 was sooo good.  Ryuji Kashara from Sera Myu plays Killua's dad

Don't have any, send me some if you know of any

More Sera Myu
Probability of being sub:
Of course more stuff will get stuffed.  I just want to branch out a bit.  Can't survive off Myu alone

Why sub it?:
If I don't, Sera Myu fans will eat my brain

Utena Musical
Based on the first season of Utena

Probability of being sub:
I dunno, depends on whether I feel like it or not.  If I decided to, I'd have to go and find a nice copy of it, I don't want to sub off low quality copies

Why sub it?:
To prove that it's not as bad as people say it is

Don't have any, send me some if you know of any

Sakura Taisen Musical
I dunno, don't watch the anime, never played the game, and never completely finished watching the first Sakura Taisen musical.  All I know is the original voice actors play their counter parts on stage.

Probability of being sub:
I dunno

Why sub it?:
Curiosity.  It seems like an interesting show doesn't it?

Don't have any, send me some if you know of any

<<Dropped Candidates>>
<<Dropped Candidates>>
<<Dropped Candidates>>

Time/Space Police Wecker
Something to do with female time/space police?  I know there were two series done.  The first was 3 episodes (on 3 dvds), this was an experiment I heard.  The second series was longer (and assumable more deep)

Why I had wanted to sub it: I heard it was done by the same studio as Vanny Knights, it would have been interesting to see what they did after VK.

Why dropped: Licensed in America

Wecker 1 
Wecker 2 

Sailor Moon Live Drama
Seems to be based on the first story arc in the manga.  So far only the Inner senshi have been announced.

Why I had wanted to sub it: I sub the Sailor Moon musicals, I sub tokusatsu like Agito and Vanny Knights, isn't this the next logical step?

Why dropped: Other people will probably sub it, why waste my time and resources?

Official Live SM Drama page:
Official Sailor Moon page:
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Haven't watched.  All I can imagine is that some guy in a mask fights bad monsters

Why dropped: Lackluster response to Tokusatsu projects.  Can't afford to buy expensive Japanese DVDs if no one wants to see them subbed.

Why sub it?:
I like Agito and Ryuki, maybe Kuuga is good too?  Also Urai Kenji is the final villain (he was Marina's first Tux)

Asahi page
Urai Kenji:

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