Practice Pages
The Zookeeper
Name: Anna Belle
Age: 30
Location: Louisville KY

The Exhibits
Wild Child-
      -Seen in natural habitat
Katzen- aka Zorro
      -Spanish cat, raised by
       Germanic wolves
Aiken- aka Sugar and Scout
      -The Odd Couple, proof
        that homosexuality
        exsists naturally
Security- aka Yojimbo
      -He's itching for a fight       

What if there were only                     people in the world?
This is a picture of Margo Timmons, singer for my favorite band, the Cowboy Junkies. Click it, it's a link to the CJ website.
This is Zorro. He's been around for eleven years and has resided both with myself, and my best friend Beth.
Picture Pages: Exhibits
My stuff
To live for a principle, for the triumph of some reform-to be wedded to an idea....--Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 19th Century Suffrage Leader, on her friend Susan B. Anthony
The Zoo
Felixetta, aka Scout
Oscarina, aka Sugar-Bear
Yojimbo-- Our Bodyguard
New! Exhibits: People who claim to know me....
Wildlife biologist, aka Beth- as seen in captivity. In thier natural habitat, WLB never sit down. Like thier sisters, the gazelle, WLB are known to tramp through cities and especially love college campuses.
Commonly referred to as the "Teapot" rabbit because of the quirky handle along the right side, the Deaner can be found in only one state in America- Kentucky.
In many places where the troll makes his home, you will find its pet- the guitar. Trolls  are thought to be the only animals, other than humans, who take pets.
Programmers are virtually extinct in the wild. It is rare that you will see one anywhere other than a major corporate office, or on this site. Gone are the days when thousands could be found lurking in darkened basements and hanging out around wholesale computer counters.
The Screamin Fitz is a rare animal found mostly around the nation's cities. This odd trait for such a wild species is due largly in part to the mating habits of the Fitz. Fitz' have a fondness for the  proximinty of grocery stores and bars with live music found in many urban areas.
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