Demo Dyro Web Scrollbars 1.1









*May 5, 2003


*Subject: Orlando losses.... 



Note: chizz..... Orlando Magic was eliminated.... Too bad, they got a 3-1 lead, but Detroit Piston's was just very tough. They struggled to get back in the series from a 3 to 1 deficit. They are the seventh team in the playoff history to comeback after being downed to 1. And by the way, this year's MVP was Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs, maybe because Tracy McGrady couldn't carry his team enough to the NBA finals, coz he just ranked 4th in the MVP race. In my opinion, this years champion would be San Antonio Spurs, If they could pass through the defending champion L.A Lakers in the western conference Semi-Finals.



 I've written a poem, check it out...



*May 1, 2003


*Subject: i think im...                                                 in love          in love



Note: Wow, the email I've been waiting finally come! Well.... i'm kinda serious to what im doing. And I hope that this feeling is true. Co'z I feel kinda excited every time I sees her pictures and her "site?". Even though we don't know each other that much. But I don't care, I'll do anything to prove that my intention is true. Well well well, I hope that i'm not too late....




*April 27, 2003


*Subject: Playoffs


Note: Gee, the NBA playoffs have started! The final 16 teams are fighting to stay in the playoff race. My favorite team barely qualify for the eliminations as the Orlando Magic ranked 8th in the east!  And they are out to fight the Detroit Pistons, the 1st seeded team! Damn! But they are incredibly performing well as they lead Detroit into 2 to 1 standing. And they can't do that without  the help of my favorite player, Tracy McGrady who is doing very well in carrying his team. For me he is the greatest player ahead of Michael Jordan. And he is also one of the MVP candidates for this season. He got a bright future as a NBA superstar!



















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misc. pictures




my section's website

4th year batch '03




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= adobe photoshop ver. 7.0

= MS frontpage

= some thinking

= macromedia flash mx (animation   coming soon!!!)


link me?

here's my banner



Note: Do you have 

banners for your website?

Well Just send me your

banner and I will link you

out to my site, k? thanx!







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