Kensington Maryland Crime Reports
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Beach Drive -
Jogging Trail - Kensington Maryland
Composite Photo of ATTACKER
On the morning of August 15, 2005 at 7:30 A.M., Officers of the Maryland-National Capital Park Police, assisted by the Montgomery County Police responded to reports that a jogger had been assaulted on Beech Drive between Connecticut Avenue and Kensington Parkway.Initial investigation revealed that the victim, a white female in her 50�s, was jogging on Beach Drive when she heard footsteps behind her. Shortly thereafter, a suspect described as a white male who may possibly be Hispanic, 18-25 years of age, 5�8� � 6� tall, grabbed her from behind. The suspect placed her in a chokehold and began to pull her toward a nearby wood line. The victim then managed to scream, which drew the attention of others nearby. The suspect then fled after knocking the victim to the ground. The victim was then able to flag down a passing motorist for assistance.

The suspect was wearing a black knit hat, glasses, a blue or black shirt that possibly had white writing on it, black pants, and may have been wearing gloves. The suspect fled north on Kensington Parkway and was last seen running on Stanhope Road East.  

The Park Police are requesting anyone who may have witnessed part of the incident or has any other information to contact Detective Jeff Price on 301-962-1649 or the Park Police Communications Section on 301-949-8011.




Police Expect to Release Composite of Man in Jogger Attack
WTOP-FM Washington - Tuesday Aug 16
... Police Locate Witnesses to Jogger Attack Updated: Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005 - 11:25 AM KENSINGTON, Md. - Investigators hope by Wednesday to have a composite sketch of the man who ...

 07/27-28/2005 Commercial Burglary
10510 Connecticut Avenue HONG KONG RESTAURANT
DESCRIPTION: A rear door was pried open damaging a brick wall, and the area around the cash register was searched. Cash was taken.

07/27/2005 Daytime Residential Burglary 0945 and 1130 hours
9600 block Culver Street
DESCRIPTION: The front door was forced open breaking the door frame. The rooms were ransacked, two laptops, two cameras, and an I-Pod were removed.

08/15/2005 Suspcious Activity 1400 hours
10400 Detrick Avenue HOC Offices
DESCRIPTION: Suspect exited from the rear of a vehicle and entered the HOC Offices. The suspect approached the receptionist, leaned over the desk, spoke to the receptionit. She was able to see a small silver handgun tucked inside his pant�s waistband. The suspect then left the lobby and returned to the vehicle and which then drove off.
Suspect: B/M 30�s 5�10� 160lbs, short black hair, carrying a small silver handgun.

08/11-12/2005 Overnight Commercial Burglary
10532 Connecticut Avenue CONTINENTAL PIZZA AND SUBS.
DESCRIPTION: A commercial smash and grab.

08/09-10/2005 Residental Burglary
3300 block University Blvd West
DESCRIPTION: An attempted apartment burglary between 1700 and 700 hours .

08/12/2005 Residential Burglary 0845 - 1320 hours
9200 block La Velle Drive
DESCRIPTION: A residential daytime burglary occurred. The victim�s dog walker discovered the breakin.

08/12-15/2005 Break and Entering
4000 block Wexford Drive (over the weekend)
DESCRIPTION: A residence was broken into.

08/09-17/2005 Vehicle AIR BAG THEFTs
9300 block Elmhirst Drive - Air Bag theft �00 Acura
9200 block Chanute Drive - Air Bag theft �04 Honda

08/18/2005 Commercial Burglary
DESCRIPTION: A rear windwo was broken and the window feram was damaged and a commecial alarm was activated.
It does not appear that entry was gained to the building.

08/21-22/2005 Vehicle Larcney 4 Incidents.
9700 block Culver Street
9800 block Culver Street
DESCRIPTION: 4 VEHICLE - related incidents occurred. Camera equipment, cell phones, stereos. 3 windows were broken to gain entry and 1 vehicle was unlocked.

08/25/2006 Commercial Burglary
8505 Connecticut Ave CITGO GAS STATION 2330 hours
DESCRIPTION: A deliverman witnessed the suspect burglarizing the Citgo Station and contacted police. MCP after seeing the suspect set a board near the front window then noticing that the glass front door had been smashed. MCPD located the suspect nearby.
Defendant: Wendell Ford B/M 44 6� 150 lbs, mustach/beard, cut on forehead.

08/30/2005 Residential Burglary
11300 block Connecticut Avenue 1700-1745 hours
DESCRIPTION: Cash was taken from a residence, suspect H/M 29 6� 200lbs, goatee.

08/23-24/2005 08/27-28/2005 08/28-29/2005
DESCRIPTIONS: SEE MAPS BELOW twelvevehicles01 and twelvevehicles02

09/09-12/2005 Graffitti and Vandalism
3784 Howard Avenue .
DESCRIPTION: Various gang-type symbolls were spray painted ona storage shed at Carlos Automotive 3960 Howard Avenue.
A rock was used to break a window on a forklift.

09/12/2005 Vehicle Theft and �Crash� and Commercial Burglary - Hand Guns Stolen
10500 Vehicle Theft �92 Chevy Astro Van Stolen
DESCRIPTION: Previously stolen �92 Chevy Van was crashed into Potomac Trading Company front window. Several handguns were stolen from the front glass case window.

09/11/2005 Attempted Auto Theft.
10500 block Metropolitan Avenue
DESCRIPTION: From the same block as the above occurance a vehicle was stolen and suspect chased by the vicitm but apprehension by the vicitm was not successful.

09/16/2005 Commercial Burglary
2661 Garfield Avenue HENRY�S WRECK SERVICE
DESCRIPTION: A rear door was smashed and the supply room was broken into. Tools and spare vehicle parts were taken.

09/18/2005 Residential Vehicle Larceny .
8400 Lynwood Avenue 0140 hours
DESCRIPTION: Five suspects loitering around an unlocked neighbor�s Subaru.. Then walked to the victim�s Ford Explore, looked into the windows , and pulled on the locked doors. From the neighbor�s unlocked Subaru, $20 was discovered missing.

09/21/2005 Residental Break and Entering
10300 block Parkwood Drive 0600-1645 hours.
DESCRIPTION: The victim returned home and found that her home had been broken into. Victim did not notice anything was missing.

09/25/2005 Residental Burglary
3400 block Oberon Street 1530 hours
DESCRIPTION: Victim heard a noise inside his residence and contacted the Police.
Suspect: B/M 25-30 6� 175 lbs, dark complexion short black hair wearing a baseball cap.

10/02/2005 Assault Robbery
BYRD RD., 4000 block 2:25 a.m Oct. 2
DESCRIPTION: Three men with pellet guns demanded property from two Kensington pedestrians. The pedestrians complied, and the robbers shot one of them. The robbers fled in a white Toyota Camry. The injured pedestrian was treated at a local hospital for injuries.

10/08/2005 Armed Robbery
10524 Connecticut Avenue 7-ELEVEN 2300 hours.
DESCRIPTION: On Tuesday three Hispanic Males all in ski masks and black hooded jackets entered the business and demanded money the cash register. At least two of the suspects displayed firearms while the 3rd suspect took the cash from the register and employees..

10/12/2005 Burglary
3239 West University Boulevard CHINA GOURMET
DESCRIPTION: A commercial burglary occurred approximately 0407 hours.

10/13/2005 Daytime Residential Burglary between 1330 and 1600 hours.
8100 Block of Connecticut Avenue
DESCRIPTION: A residential daytime burglary occurred.

10/12-13/2005 Robbery - Vehicle breakin and thefts.
4100 Block of Dana Court
DESCRIPTION: Vehicles parked were target for theft of stereos. One stereo from a �99 Honda and an attempt was made to remove a second stereo from �98 Plymouth. Both vehicles had been left unlocked.

10/18/2005 Robbery
10500 CONNECTICUT AVE., 11 p.m. Oct. 18
DESCRIPTION: Three men robbed a convenience store of cash and cigarettes at gunpoint. They also took property from clerks' pockets.

10/21/2005 Assault
DESCRIPTION: A Silver Spring man, 22, was arrested and charged with two counts of handgun on person, two counts of handgun in vehicle, reckless endangerment, first-degree assault and handgun use/felony-violent crime in connection with an incident that occurred at the

10/27/2005 Commercial Robbery
Connecticut Ave 10700 1am-8am
Description: Savanna�s American Grill, 10700 Connecticut Avenue.

10/25/2005 - 11/02/2005 Commercial Armed Robberies
White Flint Area.
Two commercial armed robberies occurred, they don�t appear to be related.

11/02/2005 - 11/03/2005 FIVE LARCENIES from Vehicles
1 Franklin Street
1 Bramber Street
2 Byeford Road
1 Dunnel Lane
DESCRIPTION: Five larcenies from vehicles parked in driveways and on residential streets in the Prkwood and rock Creek Highlands area. Some were unlocked, some had windows broken. Purses, wallets, laptops, and other loose items wre taken from these vehicles. In one incident an unsuccessful attempt was made to remove the stereo.

11/03-04/2005 Two Vehicle Larcenies
4000 block Decatur Ave
DESCRIPTION: Two larcenies from vehicles occurred� stereos, speakers, and CD�s were targeted.

11/03/2005 Break and Entering
3200 block Geiger Avenue 1200 - 1630 hours
A screen was removed from an open garage window area and entry was gained.

11/04/2005 Break and Entering 1900 - 2315 hours
10100 block Kensington Parkway
A rock was used to break a window in a door of a home.

11/08/2005 Residential Burglary
3700 block Calvend Lane 0600 - 1650 hours
A residential burglary occurred.

11/08/2005 Residential Burglary
10000 block of Cedar Lane 0830 - 1730
A burglary occurred

11/09/2005 Day Time Robberies
See Map
9600 block of East Bexhill Drive
3700 block of Calvend Lane
10000 block of Cedar Lane
9000 block of Le Velle Drive
9600 block of Hawick Lane

11/12/2005 Armed Robbery
Exxon Station, 10550 Connecticut Avenue. 0010 hours on Saturday
DESCRIPTION: The W/M suspect entered the store and approached the counter with a pack of gum. When the employee rang up the purchase, the suspect pulled out a knife and demanded money. Suspect: B/M, 30's, 5'9"/185 lbs, wearing a baby blue baseball cap, carrying a knife

11/12/2005 Strong Armed Robbery
10100 block of Parkwood Terrace 1330 hours
DESCRIPTION: The elderly victim was exiting her vehicle when the W/M suspect approached and began asking about potential work. The suspect followed the victim as she walked toward her front door and grabbed the purse off of her arm. The victim struggled with the suspect causing injury to her arm, before the suspect was able to gain possession of the purse and fled in a blue pickup truck parked nearby. Suspect: W/M, 32, 5'8"-5'10"/150-160 lbs, long hair Vehicle: Blue pick-up truck

11/29-30/2005 Commercial Burglaries.
10419 Armory Avenue Kensington Florist
DESCRIPTON: Overnight - Front door was broken. Other information unavailable.

11/29-30/2005 Commercial Burglaries
8824 Brookville Road Party Warehouse 0430 hours
DESCRIPTION: MCP responded to a a commercial alarm. Other information unavailable.

11/30/2005 Armed Robbery
10821 Connecticut Avenue Kensington Chevy Chase Bank
DESCRIPTION: Thomas Springer W/M 56 years old from Garret Park followed and caught after robbery. Caught at Wheaton Plaza Shopping Center after a valiant citizen witnessed the robbery, followed and called the police to the Wheaton Plaza Shopping Center.
12/01-02/2005 Residential Burglary
3200 block of Geiger Avenue.
DESCRIPTION: A residential burglary occurred.
12/03/2005 Commercial Breakin and Attempted Theft
2801 Linden Lane National Park Seminary buildings 0200 hours.
DESCRIPTOIN: An alarm was activated, MCP responded to find a door ajar and the key pad alarm system ripped from the wall.
Suspect was found in the building. Defendant: James Ryan, W/M 48 years, 5�9� 180 lbs salt and pepper hair.
12/05/2005 Residential Burglary
3800 block Wexford Drive 9:00 hours
DESCRIPTION: A resident witness two individuals lurking about as she was leaving to take her children to school. Upon returning home she witnessed she saw the same suspects running from behind her neighbor�s house. A witness inside her residence stated that the two suspects had attempted to enter the residence via a rear window, but were scared off when they realized someone was still inside the residence. The two suspects were located by MCP on Newport Mill Road.
Defendant: Junenile B/M 16, 5�8� 120 lbs
Defendant: Junenile B/M 14, 5�9� 160 lbs

12/09/2005 Attempted Robbery ?
10509 Metropolitan Avenue Kay�s Diner At 0325 hours on Friday 12/9, MCP responded to a commercial burglar alarm the glass front door was broken.

12/12/2005 Residential Burglary
10700 block of Shaftsbury Street On Monday 12/12 at 0630 hours
Description: A resident in the found the front door to her residence ajar and discovered rooms in the house had been ransacked.

12/12/2005 Armed Robbery
3700 University Blvd Getty Gas Station 2010 hours.
DESCRIPTION: The B/M suspect entered the business approached the counter and displayed a handgun and demanded money.
Supsect: B/M 20�s 5�11� thin build wearing a white bandana, black hood, black gloves, long black jacket carrying a handgun.


Morell Court 2004:    mysterious dark male canvassing numerous premises (going in between houses 11pm).  Police notified -no response

Murder             1     2005 (Summer) Alta Vista Terrace -   victim shot in head sitting in vehicle.   Apparent drug deal gone bad.

Following are derived from Washington Post - from Police - >Lag time 2-6 months.
05/11/05        VEIRS MILL AND GAYNOR ROADS  A Silver Spring man, 26, was arrested and charged
                           with first- and second-degree assault, resisting arrest and possession of drugs in connection
                          with an incident that occurred at the above location. He was also issued three traffic citations, two chargin
04/28/2005    Connecticut and Plyers Mill Rd  -Wheaton man (38) arrested and charged second-degree assault.
04/08/05        GEORGIAN WOODS PL., 2200 block  Two Silver Spring men, both 19, were arrested and
                         charged with conspiracy to commit robbery in connection with an incident that occurred at the above location.
04/12/2005   Ambler Dr 4300 Block - Kensington man (34) arresetd and charge with two counts of first-degree
                      assault and two counts of reckles endangerment at said location.
06/10/05        PARKLAWN AND WILKINS AVENUES    A gunman robbed a 63-year-old man of cash.
06/14/05        TWINBROOK PKWY., 13200 block  Three men in a parking lot attacked a male pedestrian, 28, and demanded money.
                                    The victim was punched, but the assailants fled empty-handed.
03/01/2005    Kensington Parkway  10200 Block -  Gunmen and a man with wooden stick demanded money from cab
                       driver standing next to cab.  Men forced cabbie to ground, took cash and property.  Cabbie injured.
02/17-22/2005   Saul Rd 4600 Block.   Property stolen from residence.
02/05/05        VEIRS MILL ROAD AND UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD W.  Three men accosted a Silver Spring man, 40,
                         as he got cash from an ATM. The men demanded money from him, then one of them forced him to the ground
                            and took his wallet at gunpoint. The three robbers then fled.
02/04/2005     Pooks Hill Road  5300 Block   Man accosted a Bethesda woman as she was getting out of her parked car.
                       Ring was taken and individual fled in a dark SUV.
07/09/05        GEORGIA AND HEWITT AVENUES A Silver Spring man, 18, and two youths, ages 16 and 17,
                            were arrested and charged with attempted strong-arm robbery and second-degree assault
                               in connection with an incident that occurred at the above location.
06/29/05        GEORGIA AND HEWITT AVENUES A woman slapped a Silver Spring woman, 23,
                          at a bus stop, took her shoulder bag and fled.
06/22/05        UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD W. AND DENNIS AVENUE Two men accosted a Silver Spring male pedestrian,
                            35, and demanded his wallet. The man complied and the robbers fled in a car that had been parked nearby.

Theft and Breakins (under development)
07/05/05        METROPOLITAN AND CAPITAL VIEW AVENUES Property was stolen from a construction area entered by force. 
07/01/05        BEXHILL DR. W., 9700 block   Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
07/01/05        DENFIELD RD., 5700 block A pressure washer, a circular saw, another power saw and a cordless drill were stolen from a vehicle.
07/01/05        BLUERIDGE AVE., 2300 block  Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
06/28/05        NICHOLSON LANE  5000 block   Property was stolen from a restaurant entered by force.
06/22/05        CONNECTICUT AVE 8500 block   A cleaning business was entered by force. Nothing was reported missing.
06/20/05        BROOKVILLE RD., 6500 block   Property was stolen from a residence.
06/16/05        PLYERS MILL RD., 2700 Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
06/15/05        NEWPORT MILLD RD., 11400 Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
06/14/05        BYEFORDE RD.,   9400 block   Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
05/24/05        UNIVERSITY BLVD. W. 3400 block Property was stolen from a business.
05/12/05        HILL ST., 9800 block    Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
04/26/05        KENSINGTON Parkway Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
05/12/05        HILL ST., 9800 block    Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
05/09/05        NEWPORT MILL RD., 11100 A high school was entered by force. Nothing was reported missing.
05/24/05        PARKLAWN DR., 11900 block  An attempt was made to break into a residence.
04/29/05        PARKLAWN DR., 12400 block  A business was entered by force. Nothing was reported missing.
04/26/05        KENSINGTON Parkway 9800 block   Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.
04/17/05        ST. PAUL ST., 10500 block   Property was stolen from a hardware store entered by force.
04/04/05        NEWPORT MILL RD., 11100 Property was stolen from a high school entered by force.
03/22/05        LANTERN CT., 3900 block  Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.

Spring (2005) Connecticut Ave and Viers Mill Road -  A latino couple - flower workers -  working the intersection, when<
                       husband witness unknown individuals apprehend his wife and drive off.  Incident reported as kidnapping.
                       Days later wife (alleged kidnapped vicitm) resurfaced and apparent charges dropped.   Purpose of this reporting
                       is to the nature of the incident, the suspicious resolution, and the possiblitly of gang tactics being enforced on
                       undocumented workers in community.

Panhandling  (repeated locations or individuals)
Connecticut Ave and University (Kensington)  Same individual 2003, 2004, 2005 
Randolph Road and Parklawn Drive -  Numerous Individuals all the time.

(Summer and Fall 2004)
Family living in woods along Rock Creek Park - no action taken - unsure of specifics of reporting.
                     (information provided by County workers doing sewage work along Beach Dr. and RCP)
Individual living in woods above Randolph Road - numerous reports - etc etc etc 2 months to extract.
                      (report from neighboorhood)

 UPDATING   Sunday  Nights

Mitscher Street Stats

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