
to The Happy Javascript Site!


3-10-04 : Oops...I messed up...with the CSS...I also added some CSS stuff.

Here is a small list of javascript functions:

- alert('text') - shows an alert box
- document.write('text') - writes to the page...can have html/javascript in
- document.writeln('text') - pretty much the same as above
- window.open('page.html','name','options...toolbar, height, width, etc.')

Here's a small list of javascript "HTML events":(of course u put these in a HTML tag)

- onMouseover - when the mouse is over something
- onClick - when something is clicked
- onLoad - when the page is loaded...goes in the body tag
- onUnload - when the page is exited...goes in the body tag
- onFocus - when the window is "focused" upon...body tag
- onBlur - when the window is "blurred"(unfocused)...body tag

Some Built-in Variables/Functions:

- document.status - the statusbar
- document.focus() - focus on itself
- document.blur() - blur itself

A bit of PHP...:

- < ? include('file.php'); ? > - "includes" the file...like the iframe html

CSS StyleSheets...I just started:

- a:hover{} - like onmouseover...the "a" can be an image, etc...i think
- a:active{} - while being clicked - a:visited{} - has been clicked before - a{} - all links on the page

CSS Variables:(I have example values for each)

- font-color:color - Duh.
- font-face:bold - Font style...bold, italic, strikethrough, underline
- font-size:5px - px has to follow(pixels)
- font-family:Arial, Helvetica - Font name

CSS Tutorial...start

A normal CSS would be set up like this...example:

< style type="text/css" >
font-family:MS Sans Serif
< /style >

As you can see, CSS is fairly simple...it's always set up like this...except for different variables and objects depending on your site.

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