Jeff's Maine License Plates Website
How Classic can this plate be?
Need I say more!
Click these plates below, They should lead you where you want to go!
Current number of plates in my collection:
Since I started Collecting on January� 1st, 2000
Click here for my e-mail address to submit a link or if you have any plate question you need answered.
Misc.Plate Information
FINALLY: Got my computer fixed. Now if I can just get time to get my scanner hooked up I might be able to add something here for once.
License plates used here are courtesy of R.T. Brandon's blank license plate page
Last updated: Nov. 25, 2004

Index, Highs, Wanted List
Previous four Updates:

May 10, 2004: 69 section, Highs, Index
Apr. 15, 2004: Highs, Wanted list
Mar. 16, 2004: Index, Wanted, 2004, Stickers and Colors, Removed 1983 birthyear plates
Nov. 7, 2003: Index, Graphic Plates, Highs, Wanted
Visitor # since Jan 1, 2001
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