Don't look Reiko,The Movie Shelf is back! Argh!!!

Oh yeah baby, there's more!


Saturday, August 22, 2004
Thanks to someone for showing me what a little spare time and absolutely no film school education can produce:
This is what KILL BILL Vol. 1 should have been people, come on!
Friday, August 21, 2004
I'm still trying to come up with a standard format and ideas for content, so not much new today.
While you're waiting for me to post something, go outside and enjoy what's left of your Summer! But don't forget to protect yourself from harmful UV rays just like Sonny Chiba does:

Order yours today!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
The original Movie Shelf was linked to by such sites as CNN, BRAVO TV, and was reviewed in Japan's entertainment magazine KINEMA JUNPO. In reference to the magazine article, I actually never saw it, but was notified by someone who visited the site--that must have explained the countless Japanese emails I received afterwards.

I'm not sure what CURSE OF THE MOVIE SHELF will be; but just as Reiko could not turn away from the forbidden images in RINGU, I can't stop watching Asian action films. So let's RETURN TO THE 36TH CHAMBER and bring these films to the masses once again.

While I try to come up with some content, go here, and here, and then go here.

Okay, that last link takes you to some info on a pretty lame movie, but I'm just so dang excited that I picked up the original VHS tape for this one recently as well as the March 1986 issue of INSIDE KUNG FU in which Conan Lee is interviewed and it is clear he's going to be the next big martial art movie star. Or was it clear that he had a big ego?

Look for more CURSE in the coming weeks...

This webpage sucks, go to these real websites.

Viva Chiba!

Kung Fu Fridays!

Remember this page...
A banner for the now defunct Movie Shelf of Apartment 304

It's back and there's nothing you or your inferior kung fu can do about it!

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