Mike "Major Dad" Reisman Maj(ret) RN CS FNP
Chick Publications
CCKK My Martial Arts
American Kenpo
My Martial Arts Page
I always tell folks first and foremost I am a Christian and 2nd a Bible Baptist. :o)  My career and my role in life is to provide Primary Medical Care in the Family Practice, Tactical Medicine and Occuptaional Medicine arenas. 

I'm 48 yrs old and try to practice what I preach.  Remember I'm forgiven, not perfect.
Church and fellowship with my brother/sister Christians is most important. 
I teach Kenpo Karate and have been in the martial arts for over 26 yrs.  I hold a Black Belt and have my school charter CCKK Christian Combat Kenpo Karate through BBFI Black Belts of the Faith. 
I hold a Private Pilots rating, former Army Paratrooper(only 26 jumps--I always had butterflies), enjoy running, lifting weights, enjoy the Three Stooges, cartoons on Saturdays and Chinese food.
My family lives in Arizona.  We may be apart, but I love them very much.
I am divorced, but truly believe the Lord will bring the right lady into my life one day.  I want to be a dad/father one of these days.  Looking for a true believer who wants to have a Christian family until I pass on or Christ returns again and raptures up His believers.
In addition I have two critters that keep me company, Tom and Jerry two cats I saved from the animal shelter in Cottonwood, AZ. They are great company and I spoil them to death.  They are two gray shorthair tabbies and they love to help me on the computer as well as everything else. :o)
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