Now, Let me begin by telling you a secret.
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This is going to be my...
Shout Out Page!!!!!!!
At this particular point in time, I would like to give a shout out to RICK TRAMMEL!!!

     Rick is a limo driver in Kansas City, Missouri.  One of the best I know, and I know a lot!!!  He made my night last night.  I was walking back to my car after a particulary boring night at the bar.  I saw his limo there, not knowing it was his...  I had the sudden thought, "That limo is blocking my path, I should open the door, go through it, and come out the other side.  Like they do in those Mentos commercials!!!  Then I thought, wait a minute, I probably know this limo driver...  I should see if I know him...  And there was rick, sound asleep waiting for his people...  I woke him up and said hey, then asked him if I could fulfill my fantasy.  He had no objections, so I went in one side of the limo, and out the other...  Granted it wasn't as cool as doing it spontaniouly, but it was still fun.  He really make the night worthwhile.  THANKS RICK!!!!!!!
Feb 25? 2001.
     Today's Shout Out goes to a wonderful girl who works at Pyro Room.  I can't remember her name, but she really gave me a good compliment about this web site tonight.  I reacted badly, and I came off as an asshole.  And I wish to apoligise for that.  She was really nice, and it made me feel good.  I am bad at taking compliments, so I kinda shrugged it off.  I came off as a jerk, but I can't tell you how much her compliment meant to me.  Thank you.
Today's shout out goes to my PARENTS.  I can't even say enough about them that would do them justice.  All I can say is, if there is anything about me that  you love...  I get it from my mom and dad.  If there is anything you don't like...  Blame my surroundings...  My parents have always been there for me, and they never ask anything in return.  I wish everyone could be as lucky as I have been.  Parents like mine are hard to come by.  Sure they nag at me...  Sure they get dissapointed when I do things like smoke and so on...  But they LOVE ME...  No matter what I do...  They won't ever stop loving me...   If only it were so easy to find friends who love like that.

So don't you EVER say ANYTHING bad about my parents...  I love them with all my heart...  And I'll Kick your ass if you do.

Thanks Mom and Dad.  I can't ever repay you for the gift you gave me...  You gave me SO much more than just the gift of LIFE.
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June 4, 2002

     Today I would like to give a shout out to...

The Missouri State Legislature!!!

They recently passed a no call law, and if you want you can put your number on the list, and then if a telemarketer calls you, they will be in violation of State Law.  It takes 3 months to become active, but It's worth the wait.  Way to go!
Click the above link to add your name and number to the list!

May 11, 2002

     It's been awhile since I've given any shout outs...  So I'd like to give a shout out to...

Ali Conrad!!!

     Ali is one of my closest friends, and I've been really proud of her lately...  Since she has come back from Portland, she has really accomplished a lot.  She has been working 2 jobs, Blue Bird Bistro, and Le Fou Frog.  (Soon to be leaving Le Fou Frog)  And has been devoting most of her time to Blue Bird.  She is the Sous chef there, and when she first started, had to step up to the plate and lead the kitchen for awhile.  Appearing on TV in the process!  Ali has proven to be able to handle anything that is dished out for her, and do it with grace.  I'm proud to have her as a friend
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