Okay lets cut to the chase shall we?  Yes.  This Page is an Ego trip.  More than anything it gives me something to talk about when I meet people.  I really should update it more, but just like so many other things in my life, I seem to keep putting it off.  Yes I smoke....  Yes I drink...  No I don't do drugs.
I like to go to bars and hang out with friends...  I also like to try new restaurants...  My job as a Concierge has become a big part of my personality.  I  like to know everything about the restaurant scene now.

     It has been said about me that I am the kind of person that makes you wonder about them...  But not nesicarily in a good way.  I don't like that statement, but it was an independent observation.  The person who said this I do consider a friend however.  She said that many people would not be willing to take the time to get to know me because of how I come off.  But once you do get to know me, most people like me...  With a few exceptions...  However, I don't have any enemys.

     I am sometimes a scatterbrain...  Other times a philosopher...  Hopefully you can catch me on a good day.

More when I feel like talking about my self...

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