Name : Yosho Jurai

Translation: Sunshine in the distance

Alias : Katsuhito Masaki

Age : 2000+ (looks 60)

Eyes : Purple

Hair : Black

Spaceship : Funaho

Powers : Yosho can create 1 light hawk wing  and control the power of Jurai
Yosho was born into the Jurai royal family.His mother was called Funaho,his father was called Azuza.Azuza is also married to Misaki,Sasami and Ayaeka's mother.Yosho is the eldest child and therefore first in line for the throne.For many generations Jurians were not allowed to marry people from other planets.But Azuza changed the law to marry  Funaho,an Earthling.Misaki and Funaho became best friends and agreed to have their children (Yosho and Ayeka) marry.

Yosho didn't want to deal with peoples outrage at a half-Jurian takeing the throne so,when Ryoko attacked Jurai,he chased her,using the oppertunity to avoid taking the throne.He chased Ryoko to Earth and they both crashed into the lake which is now near Tenchi's house.He defeated Ruoko by taking her three gems,which became embedded in the hilt of his sword,Tenchiken.He imprisoned her in a cave.However Yosho couldn't return to Jurai because his ship was destroyed.It took root in the soil and could no longer be used  as a spaceship.However it power has kept him young.Tsunami gave him the power to alter his age,mainly because it would seem wierd that he never aged.He can change back at will.Yosho took the name Katsuhito Masaki and stayed on Earth.He married a young girl who has been unnamed.

Yosho inherited the Misaki shrine through her and the had a baby,who they called Achika.Achika's mother died when she was young and Yosho began to Achika sword play lessons in the hope to take her back to Jurai.Achika,after finding out his plan refused to go and wished to lead a normal life.

13 years later Tenchi was born and he saw another oppertunity to take a relative to Jurai.Achika died when Tenchi was young and Yosho started to give Tenchi lesson in sword play.

There has been many occasion where Yosho could help Tenchi but he decided not to interfere so that Tenchi could gain confidence and experience he need.
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