This Page is to commorate all the canteen staff lost in the battle to reclaim the office from Ryoko.It details the events leading up to Ryoko's rise to power,explains the huuuuggeeee gap in updates and her downfall.Dotted around the page are images the security cameras took,so forgive the poor quality of some.Hold your cursor over any of them to get a info on it.
8/7/01-Ryoko makes her move to capture Ken-Ohki and claim the office as her own.
10/7/01  2:23 pm- Ryoko gets over exited playing Half-Life and blows up all the computers in the building whilst screaming "Die you scum-sucking aliens die bwa hahahahahahahaha".

10/7/01 2:30 pm-Ryoko settles down and orders Sailor Moon to phone the on-site services from Tiny,they say they'll send someone over in a few days.

12/7/01-Guy from services shows up  and fiddles about with some stuff inside computer.

13/7/01-See 10/7/01 2:23 pm

4 Months Later......

6/11/01-Ken-Ohki found by Sailor Moon in the cupboard where we keep the work experience guys

7/11/01-Ken-Ohki riles the office workers around him,however some have defected to Ryoko's side,a battle of epic proportions and Dragon Ball Z length takes place,Several small skirmishes erupt outside the janitors tool shed,and Ryoko unleashes her Secret Weapon which fall into the fountain after taking its first step and duely short circuts.Ryoko is beaten but at the cost of all but two of the canteen staff and a few of the work experience guys who fell over a desk in mindless panic,Ryoko is beaten and resumes her role as....uh...as..........an....emmm,why was she even here,anyway,as she leaves she yells "I'll be back",we can't take any chances and have since recruited Hercule from Dragon Ball Z to protect us,(that doesn't fill me with a huge amount of confidence)

More to come..........
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