Name : Sasami Jurai Masaki

Translation : Sandy Sami Beach

Age : 708 (looks 8)

Height : 4' 0"

Blood Type : O

Eyes : Pink

Hair : Blue

Spaceship : Tsunami

Powers : Sasmai has no individual                           powers, however she is linked                  to Tsunami
Sasami,while childish,harbours great maturity.When she was very young Sasami had some powers  but she lost these during an unfortunate incedent.Sasami is also Ayeka's younger sister.

During the attack by Kagato and Ryoko on Jurai,,a Jurian ship crashed into a building which Sasami was in.Sasami was knocked from a ledge and fell into a deep chasm full of Jurian trees.Of all the trees,only Tsunami could sense that Sasami was dying.Tsunami used some of her life force to save her.Since then,two triangular markings have always been present on Sasami's fore head.This incedent also causes Sasami to belive that she is not the original Sasami.

Sasami and Tsunami are assimilated.Just know they are seperate beings but when Sasami grows up they will become one.This causes Sasami to have horrible nightmares about the future.Not exactly what will happen,but what could happen.These are not set in stone.The events can be changed by the decisions she and the people around her make.

The markings on Sasami's head are Jurian symbols of power and status,they are very desiarable and usually achived with the use of make up.The only people who have real markings are Tench and Sasami.

There is a spin off of the Tenchi series called Pretty Sammy.Pretty Sammy is a wizard created in the mind of Mihoshi during the Mihoshi special.Pretty Sammy  is  Sasami.Her powers are all centred around human emotions.She has the ability to manipulate these emotions for any use.Pretty Sammy was created by around the time of  Sailor Moon.
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