The legend of the demon
Or things you shold know.....
OAV-It refers to the Tenchi Muyo series.
The Lady Tokimi plot was never resolved in Tenchi Muyo! so don't E-Mail me about missing episodes.The situation may be resolved in the upcoming series.
The Ledgend of Ryoko and Yosho (short version)

The story starts years ago,when Jurai was attacked by the demon Ryoko,Ryo-Ohki and Kagato.They were searching for the Jurai tree,Tsunami in a bid to harness its power.They coudn't find it and fled.The warrior and crown prince known as Yosho pursued Ryoko to Earth.In a massive battle both their ships were destroyed and they fell onto the planet below.The fought hand-to hand and all of Ryoko's gems were taken by Tenchiken,Yosho's sword.The people of a nearby village came to investigate,with their help Yosho tricked Ryoko into entering a sacred cave where they imprisoned her using the power of the gems.One of the villagers noticed Yosho's sword and also noticed that it had no blade.He offered to forge a new blade and Yosho accepted so that he wouldn't raise suspicion of his origin.Neither he nor Ryoko has ever been heard of since,until now..............
The rumours are true,another series of Tenchi Muyo! has been confirmed. It should be out in Japan next year,2-3 years for America and even longer for Britain. (Booo)
These are about the page,not Tenchi
1.I'm based in Scotland,which means any Tenchi in Tokyo info will be a while yet because its not been shown over here

2.I'm using the new Y!Geocities page builder which is only in its Beta testing so don't ask me to put in downloads,I'v tried,once everything else is up and running I'll try to figure out how to put them on.

3.This page has no HTML code (as far as I can tell) It uses a drag and drop system which means that I can't add a navigation bar into the code.
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