Here Comes Ayeka
The second episode begins in space where a young girl comes out of stasis. This is Ayeka, she has been on a quest for her "brother" Yosho to whom she is engaged to marry .Her ship comes into orbit with earth and she begins her search for him. This was his last known location, he came to Earth to fight Ryoko. After discovering that the time limit has just expired on the crimes Ryoko has committed she decides to capture Ryoko to learn the location of Yosho.

Meanwhile back on earth Ryoko springs out of the bed and says "Now I'll take your balls please" meaning the Three gems embedded in Tenchi's sword. Ryoko explains that without the gems on the sword she can't control Ryo-Ohki, who she explains as the other demon in the legend. At that moment Ayeka's ship hovers above Tenchi's house and she demands that Ryoko come out. When Ryoko doesn't come out she orders that a warning shot be fired nearby. This "Warning Shot" blows out all the windows in Tenchi's house. After this Tenchi agrees to give the gems back to Ryoko, but he's not stupid so he only gives her one. However, this is enough to summon Ryo-Ohki, which is a spaceship, which promptly whisks them away, along with Tenchi's house because Ryoko didn't want anything to happen to it. After a short battle, Ayeka manages to capture Ryoko and Tenchi.

Ayeka begins to interrogate Ryoko but the more that she tortures her the more she seems to enjoy it, until she touches her with the sword. Tenchi awakens inside a series of vines that don't allow him to escape, these vines act as the ship's jail. Tenchi pulls out a small pocketknife and begins to cut his way through when a voice asks him "What are you doing?". When Tenchi looks up the is a little girl that appears to be about 10 years old. She asks Tenchi if he'll play a game with her and releases him with a key that looks a lot like Tenchi's sword. At this point Tenchi realizes that the sword is gone and agrees to play a game with the little girl who introduces herself as Sasami.

Tenchi finds himself outside Sasami's sister's room where she tells him that all he has to do is steal the headpiece from Ayeka. He sneaks into her room and sees that she's wearing the headpiece to bed. She also is sleeping with his sword, which he attempts to steal, which wakes her up. Before Tenchi has a chance to explain he finds himself being chased by Ayeka's Guardians Azaka and Kamidake (Which I affectionately refer to as Washer/Dryer.) After Tenchi escapes with Sasami he finds himself back in the jail with Ryoko who asks him to let her out. He says that he can't but when he walks up to the cage the sword glows and the vines part. Ayeka arrives and attempts to recapture Ryoko and Tenchi but once again the sword glows and the vines which she was using to capture Ryoko ensnared her guardians instead. After this Ryoko and Tenchi teleport to Ryo-Ohki which is still connected to Ayeka's ship Ryu-Oh. Ryoko, being Ryoko decides not to let Ayeka keep flying around in space and pulls her ship as well as her own out of orbit smashing it into a bridge. Both ships land near Ryoko's cave near where Tenchi's grandfather's shrine is. And the house spends the rest of the series here. Ayeka's attempts to rescue her ship fail as she watches her ship sink beneath the lake.
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