About me
You've seen my picture on the Home page so I assume you can guess what I look like.I'm 18 (I know sad eh?)  and I live in Scotland.I first got into anime through *shudder* Pokemon (I am SO embarresed about that) but I had a small interest in  it before the 'Mons came about.The first anime movie I ever saw was Akira.I enjoy drawing anime,pandering to you people  and music.

There isn't one specific type of music I like,my collection has Indie,rock,rap,hip-hop,R&B,dance,hard house and house.

The one type of music I HATE is teeny-bopper tunes like Britney Spears,boy bands and Craig David.Oh....and Slipknot

"Music- Art combining sounds into a
coherent perceptual experience,typically in accordance with fixed patterens and for an aesthetic purpose. Music is generally catagorized." The Hutchinson Encyclopedia

The key word is coherent by the way

This page is pretty pointless since no-one is going to look at it but I figure if you've seen everything to see you might look at it,maybe one day some of my drawings will be here.
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