Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
Kenny Byrd & Friends
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Kenny Byrd & Friends
"uniquely talented and creative" - ventriloquist with a twist

Here's what they're saying about Kenny Byrd

"...your appearance brings class to an event..." I believe the standing ovation said it all. Thanks for everything."

Bob Moss, Executive Director
Be-A-Friend Program

"We just received the pictures back and people are laughing all over again."

Pro-Edge Ltd.

"...he has all the poise, and quick wit to assure him a stellar position in the ranks of show business. Not since Edgar Bergan has the art of ventriloquism soared to such imaginative heights of comic satire."

Ben Vereen

"At one time, I couldn't come up for air... You kicked off the meeting the next a.m. with the 'early bird' drawing - that was a great fun exercise."

Bill Robbins
Nash Finch Company

"It is sometimes very difficult to find an act that appeals to such a variety of people (including our top executives) but you certainly had something for everyone. The audience participation was one of my favorites. It's amazing how people will join in when given the chance."

Marge Lelito, Public Affairs
Oxy Chem

"Your participation at our kick-off meeting was one of the key elements in its overwhelming success... you communicated the Market - Driving Quality message... in a way that was upbeat and got people to listen."

James Byrnes, Account Executive

"Feedback from even the 'hard to please' people has been fun to hear. Thank you for making me look good. My only disappointment will be in trying to come up with entertainment for the next year - you're going to be a tough act to follow."

University of Buffalo
Department of Ophthalmology

"You completely took over a very tired audience (at the International Convention Awards Banquet) and brought them to their feet in a thunderous standing ovation. This was a remarkable achievement in view of the fact that most of the audience had attended several receptions, a long dinner and a lengthy awards program."

Jack Criswell, Executive Director Programs
Sales & Marketing Executive - International

"An admixture of craft and art, of humor both earthy and elegant - and great empathy with your audience, it was superb!"

Chairman Entertainment Committee
Rainbow Obedience Association Inc.

"The spring Dance is an annual event.... Consensus was it was the best year ever, due to the entertainer. Since most of the audience were bankers and 50 percent bankers are golfers - the golf material was great."

M&T Bank

"Beyond your considerable talent as a ventriloquist, you have an uncanny ability to play to your specific audience; both drawing on whatever advance input you receive, as well as listening for and capturing 'characters' from the group as you go along."

A.S. Willett, Director
Professional Services
Pet Foods Division
The Quaker Oats Company
Kenny and Rudy
Kenny with Rudy

To contact Kenny Byrd & Friends, call (716)-832-1391.

Click here to see some pictures of Kenny Byrd & Friends.

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