News Articles

6 March 2001

Piggins: Souths next One Nation
SOUTH SYDNEY's battle for reinstatement in the NRL could reach the federal polling booths as Noelene Piggins, wife of Rabbitohs president George, considers standing for the Senate.
Piggins is "seriously" contemplating heading a political party to push Souths' cause in both the federal and state arenas.
Disillusioned at the government's failure to act on the public support for the axed club, Piggins warned it was time for politicians to take notice.
Piggins compared her own potential party with Pauline Hanson's One Nation, saying Hanson was presenting her "electorate's" views to the rest of the nation.
"Pauline Hanson is only saying what the people want her to say," Piggins said.
"She's put the government on notice, that's simply because she is a voice for her people."
Piggins said the idea for starting a political movement was discussed at a marketing meeting last Thursday and no details had yet been confirmed.
"We're very serious that we should stand people," she said.
"It's early stages but we've got to do what we think is needed not only for South Sydney but sport in general.
"Because we're being ignored by the NRL and political parties we should be getting people to stand for the Senate and the (NSW) Upper House, we should get people to stand for state and federal elections.
"People just feel as though we're being ignored."
Piggins said she would consider leading the party in place of her husband because the Rabbitohs' legend was exhausted from Souths' continuing legal fight.

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