FBEU Rabbitohs Wanted Sunday Date: 10 November 2000 Author: FBEU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people still believe that the fight for South Sydney DRLFC is just about a football team, but it's really far more important than that. It's about the right of working class people to stand up to multi-nationals like News Limited, to say that our sense of community, our identity and our heritage cannot simply be bought and sold for the profit of others. This Sunday, tens of thousands of ordinary people will take to the streets to march in support of the Rabbitohs. Many of those marching will not be South Sydney supporters, either. They'll simply be people who recognise the injustice of Souths' exclusion and who want to protest against the arrogant manipulation of a once-proud working class game by Murdoch and his NRL. Suffice to say that it would be great to see a huge turn out of our members and their families on the day. The South Sydney club has also approached our Union seeking members to act as marshals for the march. If you're interested, you'll need to be at Souths' Leagues Club by 10am in preparation for the march itself, which commences at midday and proceeds to a rally at the Town Hall on George Street. Bring your whole shift and make a day of it (after all, it's on in-between A Platoon's 2 night shifts). We'll make sure that all members who help out as marshals are well looked after with refreshments and t-shirts, etc. STAY UNITED - NEVER SAY DIE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information Contact : South Sydney Leagues Club Phone : 9319 4156 Email : office@fbeu.labor.net.au WWW : http://fbeu.labor.net.au/media