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Extract Archives for January 2004
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30 Jan 2004

The South Sydney Rabbitohs have joined forces with Multinational companies Pennzoil and Wynns, along with Davis Distributing, in a sponsorship deal for season 2004.

The corporate partnership deal was struck this week, further driving the Club's sponsorship appeal within the business community.

Managing Director of Davis Distributing, Colin Davis, is delighted to be involved with the South Sydney Football Club.

"It is a pleasure to be associated with a great club like the Rabbitohs," Davis said.

"We know the Rabbitohs have one of the biggest supporter bases in Australian sport and we knew that we had to be a part of that."

Davis Distributing are the leading distributors of Pennzoil and Wynn's products throughout Australia.

Pennzoil is a global company providing one-stop shopping for most automotive consumer product needs.

30 Jan 2004

Former Sydney rugby league player John Elias has been found guilty of maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm after shooting his business partner in a restaurant car park in the city's west last year.

The Sydney District Court heard that the 40-year-old former South Sydney, Canterbury and Balmain forward had met with Raymond Younan to discuss a $35,000 gambling debt allegedly owed by Elias.

Elias claimed he had taken the gun to the meeting solely for protection and had fired twice at the ground as a warning. Mr Younan was wounded in the thigh.

The case has been adjourned until March. Elias has been remanded in custody.

27 Jan 2004

The South Sydney Rabbitohs were defeated 41 points to 14 by the eventual Cougar World Sevens Champions, the Wests Tigers in their final Pool B match today (Sunday) at 10:45am at Aussie Stadium.

The Rabbitohs were unable to dominate possession, scoring only two tries to the Tigers' seven.

For Souths, Beau Mundine and Mark Leafa crossed the stripe, both scoring bonus point tries, with Joe Williams and Matt Riddle both kicking one conversion each.

With this convincing victory the Tigers were able to leap frog both Souths and the Penrith Panthers to take out Pool B.

The Tigers went on to defeat the Parramatta Eels in the Final of the Cougar World Sevens 18 points to seven in front of over 20000 fans.

Widnes are standing by Julian O'Neill as their captain despite allegations that he tried to set fire to a boy in a dolphin suit while drunk on a boat trip.

The organisers of the trip in Port Macquarie in Australia have written to the club complaining about O'Neill's behaviour, which they claim included holding a cigarette lighter to the costume.

"A stupid act like that could have been fatal because that suit is highly flammable," said the boy's father, the tour operator Dave Lazarus.

Widnes believe the claims are exaggerated, but O'Neill's performance is bound to cause them concern so soon after his appointment to the captaincy.

"We are aware of an allegation and we have taken action," the Widnes spokesman, Andrew Kirchin, said.

The incident took place before Widnes played in the World Sevens in Sydney at the weekend, when they lost all three of their group matches.

25 Jan 2004

Julian O'Neill's problems with alcohol have hurt only his reputation and career until this point, but now they have nearly resulted in serious injury to a teenage boy.

A drunk O'Neill tried to set fire to a boy wearing a dolphin costume on board a cruise at Port Macquarie with his English team Widnes on January 15.

Only the intervention of one of the cruise operators, who knocked O'Neill's flaming cigarette lighter away from the suit, prevented possible serious injury to Danny Lazarus.

As reported in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday, the man who stopped O'Neill in his tracks, Gerry Byron, has written a letter of complaint to Widnes football club. The Sun-Herald has obtained a copy of the letter.

Byron and Dave Lazarus, the father of Danny, who run Wizbang Entertainment, advertised the cruise in the local area for families to join the Widnes team on board their boat.

In the letter of complaint Byron wrote: "Unfortunately, there is always one person who spoils it for everyone and once again it seems the habitual offender Julian O'Neill has left a mark on our town for all the wrong reasons.

THE 13-year-old boy alleged to have had his dolphin costume almost ignited by Julian O'Neill has spoken of his ordeal at the hands of rugby league's bad boy.

Daniel Lazarus, nicknamed "Danny the Dolphin", had just finished his entertainment routine on board Katika the Fun Boat, which cruises the Hastings River at Port Macquarie, when O'Neill is said to have put a cigarette lighter to the nylon and rubber costume's dorsal fin.

The timely intervention of boat owner Gerry Byron saved a potentially disastrous situation.

Daniel, a Year9 student at Port Macquarie High School, said he was lucky the flame did not take hold.

"I couldn't see [O'Neill] because he was behind me and I can only see out of the mouth," Daniel said.

"If I caught on fire I wouldn't have been able to get out of the suit straight away. Inside the boat the roof is too low to put it up over my head and take it off. I would have had to try to get outside.",8659,8491977-23214,00.html