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Extract Archives for February 2001
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27 February 2001
A candidate with few opponents is former Souths and Canterbury second-rower Bob McCarthy, described as a "walking encyclopedia" on today's players and current tactics. McCarthy has been a member of the NRL judiciary, and the attitude of rewarding "volunteers" still lingers at Phillip Street.

26 February 2001
Sir Donald Bradman Passes Away ames=c_p_id&p_param_values=3728

25 February 2001
Gus Gould in the Sun Herald

20 February 2001
The Latest 'By George' is out

18 February 2001
Why, despite the fact that I am still really pissed off at you corporate dishlickers for what you have done to Souths (and I loathe everything your chief destroyer, Rupert Murdoch, stands for), do I give a damn?

Charlie Grech asks: Can you shed any light for my family and me about the possibility of Souths being included in the competition next year? You predicted early this year that the Souths issue would be resolved before the appeal goes to court. Has there been any change to that?

And if Souths fans are looking for a man to blame, they can look straight at Denis (Fitzgerald). He was the first bloke to sign the 14-team document that saw Souths removed.

17 February 2001
It's a sad travesty that South Sydney's history and colours may not be seen again, and one can only hope that this is somehow averted. But through no fault of the Rabbitohs, everyone with an axe to grind on rugby league or Rupert Murdoch has hitched their wagon to the Souths cavalcade.

"The NRL pays lip service to the things we care about. They purport to want a return to the grassroots but when South Sydney are not allowed back in, you wonder."

13 February 2001
The Latest 'By George' is out

4 February 2001
It was a leisurely stroll down memory lane at Redfern Oval yesterday as some of the greatest names of the game gathered for the Legends of League Oztag Challenge. It was as much about South Sydney raising funds to fight for reinstatement to the National Rugby League premiership as it was a chance for former players to catch up, have a beer and reminisce about old times.