Fugly Flames!!

Adj. 1. fugly - (slang) extremely ugly
ugly - displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"

This used to contain the offending links

Fugly Skeleton!!

The links where to other pages I had created for a CIW class and all hosted by this FREE Hosting service

Fugly Arrow!! Fugly Coming Soon!!

Download Flash Plugin.

Mission: Create the Fugliest Most Bloated site ever under 15MB

Disk Space Usage Status:Long way to go.
Used: 0.9 MB
Available: 14.1 MB
Total Allocated: 15.0 MB

Fugly Cool!!

This whole redesign started just after posting an update to this site of some JavaScript examples for a class I am enrolled in. When I revisited this page I received the page not found error message. I then checked the site file manager; all of my files were gone. They had a helpful link on the error page about violating the terms of service. After sending an email to them they responded that in their graciousness they would put my site backup for 48 hours so I could remove the offending links on this page. This is the friendly email they sent me.

Fugly Bird!! Fugly Bubbler!! Fugly Bird!!

Hello, Thank you for writing to Yahoo! GeoCities. Usage of your Yahoo! account was recently identified to be in violation of the GeoCities Terms of Service, and your site and account were shut down.

Fugly Pequins!!Fugly Pequins!!

The GeoCities Terms of Service states that you cannot use your GeoCities site to link any other page, whether inside or beyond Yahoo! and/or GeoCities.

Fugly Squares!! Fugly Squares!!Fugly Squares!!Fugly Squares!!Fugly Squares!!

We have reactivated your service to allow you access to your files. Please remove all links you have on the site within 48 hours. If these links are not removed, your account may be closed again after this time. Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! GeoCities. Regards, Evan Yahoo! Customer Care 39946112 For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit: http://help.yahoo.com/

Fugly Text!!

Wow I don't remembering the fine print saying that so I found a link to their terms of service Agreement. Sure enough there is a cryptic reference to something that must be a link. This must be the part of the terms of agreement I violated:

Fugly Eye!!

(o) use your home page (or directory) as storage for remote loading or as a door or signpost to another home page, whether inside or beyond Yahoo GeoCities;

Fugly Pointer!!

Sure enough I used links like a door or signpost; I like the way they used door or signpost, how stupid of me not to know better. Maybe I should be mad at my CIW instructors for not referring to links as doors or signposts so I could have avoided this violation. If people just started putting links on web pages then Anarchy is not far away.

Fugly Skull!!Fugly Scare Bear!!Fugly Skull!!

This has turned into a new way to kill time when I'm bored. Will see just how ugly and bloated I can make this page; maybe used as an example of what not to do. I'm sure just posting my disagreement in some way violates The Terms of Agreement. If anyone cares here is what my original page looked like: http://kennethwatson.110mb.com/ nothing fancy or criminal and no I cannot make it into a working link remember that’s what started this!!

Fugly Spin!!Fugly Gears!! Fugly Gears!! Fugly Gears!! Fugly Spin!!
Fugly Head!!

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws