Welcome and thanks for stopping in. These pages will be dedicated to helping you preserve your memories and displaying them in a fun, cool way. To those unfamilar with the term, it's called Scrapbooking!

Where are your photographs? Stuck in an old shoe box? How about in those magnetic albums? Or perhaps you just have them piled away under the bed or in any closet space that will hold them?

Did you know that each day your photographs are being damaged? It's time to start preserving that bit of history that your future generations will thank you for!

To find out more, please visit the links below. They will show you how to safely store and preserve those Memory Treasures. A bit of caution, one look and you'll be hooked! But I promise, you'll love it!

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Don't forget to add yourself.
Robyn's Egg

Kenna's Memory Treasures is proud to announce
that it has wonScrapyard Outstanding Website Award!

Grapics Courtsey of

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Last update March 2, 2000.


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