Kenlee Araki

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« Furcadia Description »
You can't help but gaze at this alluring feline. Dressed in a deep red, short cheongsam dress over black pants, her curvaceous body moves with liquid grace as she glides past you. Her perfect ebony bob frames her ivory face, green eyes peering back at you through trendy glasses. Though she appears aloof and studious, she is a very sensual creature, always ready with a smile for a friend. []

Kenlee Araki
[click image to enlarge]

« RPG Information »

  • Long-term play, please! Short-term is okay, too, but tell me that in the first place so I know not to look for you later.
  • Prefer friendships, romance, and yiffing, but if you've got something else in mind, let me know, and maybe we can work something out.
  • Really like larger, strong, dominant males or really feminine, uber-submissive males.
  • Whisper-friendly! Don't be afraid to whisp me if you'd like to play
  • DECENT RPing only! I will not play with people who only do one-liners or use netspeak, l33tsp3ak, or whatever. Put some thought into your posts!

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