Jennings Family
Kennedy, her big sister Jena(in the hat) her cousin Paul, Candi and Brandi, Aunt Cindy and ME
Jena Lee Jennings is 11 years old and is going into the 6th Grade. She is in dance and is a Cheerleader.
Kennedy Christine Jennings is 10 years old and was born with some very special needs and alot of love.
click here to meet Jake, the newest member of our family.
click here to read Kennedy's story
check here to see the new vacation pictures
click here to learn more about Lissencephaly
click here to e-mail Jen or Ken(mom and dad)
click here to learn more about Make-A-Wish
click here to see pictures of Kennedy after her 2nd hip reconstruction surgery
click here to learn more about Give the Kids the ?World Village
click here to read moms story
click here to see pictues of the bed we made for Kennedy
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