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4/25/05 Howard Dean: not just crazy, but scary
Dean spoke before a liberal crowd in
   St. Paul, MN a few weeks ago, criticizing
     Tom DeLay, saying "we don't need any
        corrupt Republicans."  Could Dean be
                  corrupt?  He sure looks corrupt
     (and scary) in this photo from the event

4/5/05  Mexico's double talk
Everyone knows we have an illegal immigration problem.  We have millions of illegals pouring in across the borders every year, with the aid and help of the Mexican government, which is even driving illegals to areas that are unguarded by the minutemen to help them get through the border.  Fox gave a speech a few weeks ago in a meeting with Bush and Canadian PM Paul Martin in which he gave he usual rhetoric about the rights of illegals and human rights, but he added that he hopes a sensible U.S. policy will develop to allow the "migration" of people from Mexico.  Was that just a slip of the tongue, or could that reveal Fox's true intentions?  Essentially, Mexicans are migrating here by the millions, due to the poverty and corruption of their own country.  Also, the government would still like to see the southwest repopulated by Mexicans as payback for the takeover of those lands from Mexico by the U.S. in the mid-1800s.  Hmmm....

Here's an interesting take on what it means to be a Democrat in the 21st Century (WARNING: this satire is blatently humorous and satirizes the Democratic Party.  Liberals are encouraged to not read the following list.  I refuse to accept responsibility for any frivolous lawsuits generated on the part of liberals who claim to be offended by this piece and then attempt to waste millions of dollars of taxpayer money to fund an anti-free speech lawsuit).

GOP Babe of the
  Sarah Michelle
GOP Victory
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