LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor

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More Than Just a Wolf’s Tale

Wolves, for the most part, have gotten a bad rap from the beginning. Most everyone felt sorry for Grandma and that naive little girl with the red hood. When the wolf huffed and puffed, many of us were concerned for the three little pigs. It just seems so unfair because the wolf was just being a wolf. He was doing what wolves just naturally do.

Our story today could be entitled, “The Carp who cried Wolf!!” It seems that almost every Saturday since May, this same majestic Wolf has returned to Dog River. Each week he shows up with his new concoctions and exotic baits in hand. Upon his arrival the smaller Carp have been heard to scream “Wolf!” “Wolf!” for fear that this Wolf will catch their older brothers and sisters. Their real fear is that he might even catch their large dad or uncle. Each week they scream in terror and dive and dash away in fear! They have snatched his rods overboard to try and discourage him but this perilous predator continues his hunt! This pursuer of Pisces just can’t help himself. He is only doing what a Wolf is supposed to do! His hope today is that the adult Carp may have grown callous to this silly shrieking and will no longer listen or heed the warnings of the younger fish. Will the large Golden Ghosts be caught off guard today? Will my special guest, Chuck Wolf, get that "pull down" of a lifetime? Will he break into the top five or will he have to settle for his current nickname, “Snap Daddy”? Is he destined to be satisfied with his Top Turtle title of 18 lbs? (Please see June 28th story).

Chuck has fallen in love with Dog River and Carpin’. He is definitely in the running for this year’s “Most Carpthusiasm Award”. I have seen this man actually catch fish on Pinto Beans. I have witnessed him putting raisins on a hook for bait! It seems he has tried everything but the Food Pyramid itself, yet the big one still gets away. He has used every fruit and vegetable in his now poor but very precious wife’s pantry in his quest to become Carp King. The season as well as their supply of canned goods will both soon be depleted. The question still remains……Did he catch a respectable size Carp today? Did he hook his fangs into a keeper? I thought you’d never ask……….

Our Story

Today was simply wonderful. The weather was gorgeous. The company was grand and the Carpin’ was superb! Even though Chuck didn’t get on the board he did catch a personal best 4 lb Golden Ghost! There were so many other highlights today I hardly know where to start.

We began our morning at the Huddle House. It is so important to eat a good breakfast before Carpin’. Why? When you use corn, shrimp, black eyed peas and Pinto beans for bait you sure don’t need to get hungry by mid-morning! We anchored around 9:00 am and soon I caught one of the highlights of the day. A Yellow Perch that had to go an ounce at least! Not long after that “Snap Daddy” began to do his majic. If you don’t think Carpin’ takes skill you have never seen Chuck thread Pinto Beans onto a hook! I tell you it would make your Grandma’s crochet look sloppy! It is truly an Art. By 3:30 we had boated 11 Carp and lost at least 6 others. This was the best day on the ALVA D in quite a while.

There was another guest on the Dog today. A beautiful Osprey soared high above us and at one point dove relatively close to the ALVA D. How anyone can witness the beauty of today and not believe in the Divine Creator is beyond my comprehension.

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I am attaching pictures of my Perch, Chuck’s best and one of Chuck in action. Please note the Pinto Beans in the action shot. That Wolf man is something else! That's all for now. So...........

smileperch.JPG (8587 bytes)   Chuckaction.JPG (9355 bytes)
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*  *  *

Until Next Time. Keep on Carpin'
Captain Horace

“Be ye fishers of men…….You catch ‘em and He will clean ‘em.” My Church My Friend and Sponsor

If you know someone who would like to be added to our e-mail list please let me know. If you would like to be removed please let me know. I will drop you like a hot rock !

Current Standings (as of 10/11/03)

(Please note that the DRCFA will be awarding prizes to the top 5 finishers after the Thanksgiving Day cut-off date.)

1.Cody LaFavor- 7 lbs, 10 ozs 8/04/03 (Current Carp King)

2.(Tied for second place)

Craig Brown- 6 lbs, 5 ozs 7/19/03

Chris Settle- 6 lbs, 5 ozs 8/16/03

3. Charlie Goff-5 lbs, 2 ozs 4/11/03

4. Terri Higginbotham- 5 lbs, 0 ozs 9/26/03

5. Lanier Thomas- 4 lbs,10 ozs 9/20/03

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