LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor

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Occasionally you find someone who just needs to get away from it all for a morning and go Carpin’. The joy of sitting in the ALVA D on a cool foggy morning is just good therapy. To be honest, words just can’t do it justice. As they say, “It’s just good for what ails ya!.” You and your partner may share coffee and a breakfast together. You chat and reflect on a hectic week. Conversation may revolve around aches, pains, family and other topics but soon, if only for a short time in the beauty of God’s creation, you become relaxed. You are reminded of simpler times when there was no pain, no bills, and very little responsibility. I believe that God designed nature, in part, for that very reason.

There is another therapy that is far more important than even Carpin’. It is called friendship. With a friend you can be yourself. There is no pretense. There are no expectations. A friend likes you just the way you are.

The best combo of course is when your friend also loves Dog River and loves to fish for Carp. In my finite mind there is no better therapy than the laughter shared with a friend while Carpin’ on the Dog. That laughter is indeed, good medicine. I laughed today with a friend.

Who was this friend that I shared laughter with? What were the highlights of this cool, crisp morning on the Dog? I thought you’d never ask……….

My guest today was Chuck Wolf. Here are our highlights:

1) Chuck out-Carped me 3-1.

2) We saw a huge Hawk.

3) We found an enormous Hornet’s nest (from a safe distance)

4) We witnessed a squirrel actually swimming across the creek and thinking he was a beaver or a muskrat, pursued him in the ALVA D.

5) Chuck realized that my digital camera not only takes pictures but does 80 second videos as well! As soon as I figure it all out we may be able to send out some action shots as well as the photos! Until then I will be attaching a couple of pictures from the day’s adventure.

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For about 4 hours today we were boys again. Playing in the creek and just having fun. That is good therapy.

Don’t Forget!

DRCFA Banquet-Saturday November 29th

5:30 PM

In order for us to have our get together I need you to RSVP by November 15th via e-mail or in person. I have only heard from these people:

Committments as of 11/8/03

Horace/Ramona LaFavor
Tom/Carol Kilgore
Roger/Linda Bentley
Ted/Carole Umphrey
Phil/Nina Partridge
Chris/Mandy Settle

We need to have commitments from at least 30 people in order to have it so please let me know ASAP!

If you want to know more about the best friend you can ever have then we will see you in church tomorrow! Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.


Until Next Time,
Keep on Carpin'
Captain Horace

“Be ye fishers of men…….You catch ‘em and He will clean ‘em.”

Until Next Time. Keep on Carpin'
Captain Horace

“Be ye fishers of men…….You catch ‘em and He will clean ‘em.” My Church My Friend and Sponsor

If you know someone who would like to be added to our e-mail list please let me know. If you would like to be removed please let me know. I will drop you like a hot rock !

Current Standings (as of 10/11/03)

(Please note that the DRCFA will be awarding prizes to the top 5 finishers after the Thanksgiving Day cut-off date.)

1.Cody LaFavor- 7 lbs, 10 ozs 8/04/03 (Current Carp King)

2.(Tied for second place)

Craig Brown- 6 lbs, 5 ozs 7/19/03

Chris Settle- 6 lbs, 5 ozs 8/16/03

3. Charlie Goff-5 lbs, 2 ozs 4/11/03

4. Terri Higginbotham- 5 lbs, 0 ozs 9/26/03

5. Lanier Thomas- 4 lbs,10 ozs 9/20/03

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