LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor

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Rookie of the Year?

I know it’s early. I know he is young. But a fella can sometimes tell quality when he see it. He was cool. He was calm. Not at all haughty like some who have gone before him. My guest today is new to the DRCFA. He is only 28 years old. (Ken Higginbotham fishes with Zebco’s that are older than that!) This was his first trip on the ALVA D. He was collected and had only one thing on his mind….he wanted to place in the tourney! What were the results of this ambitious young man’s quest? We now have a new second place!! Who was my guest today? I thought you’d never ask…..My guest today was one of County Line Baptist Church’s finest….Chris “This is more fun than NASCAR!” Settle.

The Rest of the Story

Just yesterday our Sunday school lesson was on “foolish talk”. Many times guys will get together and “talk smack” about what they are going to do or not going to do. As I’ve said before, the proof is in the pudding. Regardless of what others said or did, my boy Chris is a doer, not a talker. I’m not gossiping or accusing anyone but it seems that Billy “I wanna be like Chris” Turner may have talked some junk. All I can say to Mr. Turner is LOOK AT THE SCOREBOARD AND SEE WHO’S BEHIND!

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We caught a total of 14 Carp today. By popular demand I dumped my “lucky shirt” and finally came out of my slump. The Ol’ Captain boated 8 Carp with his best being a bit over 3 � lbs. What about Chris? This is his story!! Chris warmed up with one a little over a pound. He then caught about a 2 � pounder. He never broke stride. Soon thereafter, my boy hung into a 4 pounder. That baby did so many figure 8’s that I thought Chris had hung onto Dale Earnhardt Junior’s rear bumper!! He was so proud and so deserving! I can hardly wait to see him in action again.

As usual, I am attaching a few pics. Eat your heart out Billy. There will be other days.

Until next time, Keep on Carpin' !
Captain Horace

“Be ye fishers of men…….You catch ‘em and He will clean ‘em.”   <-- My Church   <-- My Friend and Sponsor

If you know someone who would like to be added to our e-mail list please let me know. If you would like to be removed please let me know. I will drop you like a bad habit !

Current Standings
(As of 6/10/03)
(Please note that the DRCFA will be awarding prizes to the top 5 finishers after the Thanksgiving Day cut-off date.)

1.Charlie Goff -5 lbs, 2 ozs 4/11/03 (Current Carp King)
2. Chris Settle -4 lbs, 0 ozs 6/10/03
3. (Tied for third place)
Sam Marlow-3 lbs, 11 ozs 4/12/03
Brent Wolf-3 lbs, 11 ozs 5/10/03
4. Dennis Brown-3 lbs, 6 ozs 4/26/03
5. (Tied for fifth place)
Ken Higginbotham-3 lbs, 0 ozs 3/15/03
Bryan Harrell- 3 lbs, 0 ozs 4/19/03

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