LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor



Biggie size it Baby!! There is a new Carp bait available at your local Mickey D’s!

While at the State Park this past Saturday I found myself in a Carp Bait discussion with two other very distinguished gentlemen. When they asked about my bait of choice I had to tell my secret. I just couldn’t let the Green Giant down so I said “whole kernel canned corn.” I then asked for their key to success. I expected an exotic jello and cornmeal based dough ball recipe or some cereal concoction but what I got was straight and simple:

“We use McDonald’s Fries to catch big Carp.”

They weren’t clowning around but I wonder if Ronald is aware of this potential money maker? I can see it now…..Golden Carp Arch’s. A sign saying Over 10 billion baits sold! Where will it end? When I was in high school the teenager’s hung around (today the call it loitering) the McDonald’s on Main St. I thought they were picking up chicks. Could it be they were picking up Fries? I’ve always been a late bloomer so what do I know?

What I do know is that there are only 11 more days until the DRCFA kick off banquet! We will leave CLBC around 5:30 PM and return when Butterbean Wynn finishes his last bowl of peach cobbler. (Some of you may need to notify your babysitters now.)

I will post a list of people who are going soon.

Until then, keep your eyes on your Freedom Fries!!

Captain Horace

" Be ye fishers of men---you catch them and He'll clean them."

Unknown My Church

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