LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor

communique #004

Good Evening.

The first verse of the third chapter of Ecclesiastes tells us there is an appointed time for everything.

Today we are closing the book on Dog River Carp fishing for 2002. Why? The water temperature is dropping. The leaves that have not already fallen are turning and preparing for their descent. The Carp have gone to deep water to hibernate for the long winter ahead.

What do Carp do in the winter? I would imagine that they gather around their campfires and share events and adventures of the season. Some tell truths of daring escape while others share of that day they tasted cold hard steel! Many will spin yarns and of course, some will stoop to telling fish tales.Some may even talk of that big one that got away! One single thread will consistently run through their camps. When the wise Carp share with the young bucks about the beloved ALVA D they will do so with awe, reverence and respect. THey will warn their children and their children's children of future events. Many cold nights will be spent dreaming dreams or even having nightmares about their fate. Some will rue the day that this sleek vessel returns to their waters in the spring.

Does this mean the reports that you live for are over? No way! I will spend the next few decent Saturday's pursuing catfish in Sweetwater Lake.

Please keep in mind that the upcoming 1st Annual ALVA D awards banquet will be coming up soon. "Butterbean" is the hands down winner for this year's highly prized Carp of the Year Award with his 8 lb, 5 ounce trophy. But there are other awards........

Who will receive Most Improved?

The Hustle Award?

The Captains Award?

Please send any suggestions to me. Once the ballots are in and counted I will publish the results.

By the way, I almost forgot today's report! Charles Turner and I had a great afternoon on Dog River chatting and philosophizing but only caught two fish. He caught a small Perch and I bagged one last Carp.

Get those award ballots in asap.

Tight lines to all,


" The two best times to fish are when it is raining and when it ain't."


Last carp of the year   :(

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