LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor

communiqu� #001b

October 12th, 2002

Dear faithful readers:

I realize that many of you live from Saturday afternoon 'til Saturday afternoon. You wait longingly to experience vicariously the weekly adventures of the ALVA D. Like FDR's "Fireside Chats" of days gone by, you wait patiently for a word of encouragement from the ol' Captain. You know in your heart that fishing results and the ALVA D have become synonomous. We have never let you down.......until today.

Oh sure, I could go on and on and tell you about the cool foggy morning. I might share about the mist in my face as we slid smoothly across the placid waters of Sweetwater Lake. I would have a word about the wild geese flying overhead in perfect V formation or The Great Blue Heron majestically wading the shallows....ready to spear his prey with pin point accuracy. I should speak of the turtles sunning on the rocks and the occasional swirl in the water left by who knows what. If I weren't so colorblind I would wax poetically about the wildflowers along the shore. I may even mention the slight change in hues of the flora on the hillside. I could share about that special solitude that you can only experience when you are alone on the water early in the morning. The only sounds being those of God's creation and your 43 LB thrust trolling motor.

I could tell you these things but I won't !! THE PUBLIC ONLY WANTS TO HEAR FROM WINNERS!!!! Do we care what the Braves are doing tonight? Do we want to hear them say...."We did our best !" Do you want to hear a fishing report about two stinkin' fish? Of course not ! Why? It is depressing!

I was so down when I got home I cut the front yard. You will note that in my previous posts that nothing was mentioned about cutting grass.Scripture says that "all things work for the good....." and today was no exception. I only caught two fish but while cutting the yard I rediscovered the water meter as well as an old Ford that I use to drive.

So Chin up mates! There will be other days and other tales to tell. Until then keep those lines tight and that drag set just right!

By the way, I exaggerated about finding that Ford. Perhaps it's in the backyard? I am not submitting a photo this week because most of you already know what nothin' looks like.

Until next time,


" Don't let school interfere with your education."
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