LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor


Charlie Brown spent many a Halloween night waiting for the Great Pumpkin to appear. He longed for it, believed in it, and pursued it with a passion. Many of you have read and enjoyed his stories for years. Well good grief! I bet you haven’t even heard about the following Christmas story! It is about that infamous hero of the deep.. .......The Great Christmas Carp!

The Great Christmas Carp

Twas the week before Christmas, and from here to Bill Arp, I tossed and I dreamed of the great Christmas Carp.

While others were Malling I quietly sat, just pondering, and wondering just where is he at?

Is he in Dog River or in Sweetwater Creek?

Why to I seek him? Am I some kind of geek?

Do I want to catch him to show him to all?

I know they would laugh if he was placed on my wall.

I am going to find him, it’s important you see,

I’m going today on the great ALVA D.

They say it is cold out and that I am a wit,

They just don’t understand the importance of it.

So while you are shopping and doing your thing,

I can’t just sit by and wait upon Spring.

I must go a’ Carping because it’s an art.

I may be surprised by The Great Christmas Carp.

I know he is out there, I saw him last May.

But now it is winter.Where does he stay?

I know he weighs 15 or 20 at least.

I will eventually hook this great beast.

While others are shopping and wasting a morn,

I’ll be content with a can full of corn.

I’ll catch him today or maybe next week.

I’ll find him and boat him in and try to be meek.

So while you spend your money it won’t break my heart,

Cause I’ll be pursuing the Great Christmas Carp.

Merry Christmas!

Captain LaFavor


John 21: 5-6 Who is YOUR guide?
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