LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor


ALVA D 2003

I’m gazing into the future with wonder to see what this year holds for the great ALVA D.
Last year it made history in Sweetwater Lake
With rice and with livers the Catfish to take.
We went to the Dog and discovered a treasure of catching the Carp and my, what a pleasure!

We wrote up our stories and made many smile.
Some of our readers had not smiled in a while.
Our goal was to just to take time to enjoy
The wonderful times that we had as a boy.

Of simpler days when we could take off our shoes
And not worry or fret or get down with the blues.
We took many with us and they look forward you see,
to spending more time on the great ALVA D.

Some had a knack and some not a clue,
We had such a great time in 2002.

We have new ones lined up for 2003.
Such as Tom Kilgore, Kent Adams and Ted Umphrey.
They’ve read the reports and they can’t “hep” themselves,
They want to be part of the wonderful tales.

Some say I’m a sick-0 and that I’ve just too much time
They say that ol’ big boy has just lost his mind!
I want you to know that I’m not an old fool
The ALVA D is only a tool.

It has helped me get closer to many old friends.
It gives me a change for some new ones to win.
I use it to share some of God’s fine creation,
To talk about how blessed we are as a nation.
It’s just a venue to share and to talk,
to learn about others and see how they walk.

I had a wonderful year in 2002
I am so blessed that I hardly know what to do.
But this year is over and done with you see,
How can God use me in 2003?

Will it be in a boat or at church or at work?

Will I make a difference or just be a jerk?

MY resolution this year is to be pleasing to Him.
I want to stick by Him through both thick and thin.
I want to follow wherever He leads.
I want to meet people and help with their needs.

To hear Him some day say,

“ Son, that was well done! You made a big difference and also had fun.”

That’s what I want in 2003.
I can’t wait to see what happens on the great ALVA D.

Happy New Year!


" Be ye fishers of men---you catch them and He'll clean them."


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