LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor


I had a little time this afternoon so I eased up to Sweetwater State Park. I decided that I would combine two of my favorite activities. I studied my Sunday School lesson while fishing for cats. It was a little cool and windy but much better than my previous two trips to the Park. I was reading in Luke 1 about Zechariah and Elizabeth. About the time Gabriel appeared to Zechariah one of my three poles caught a fish! I am forwarding a picture. Please note the size of the fish compared to my size 16 sneaker. I'm thinking the Channel cat was at least a size 18. I was using chicken livers and a #2 Circle hook so he pretty much caught himself. I really didn't expect to catch anything so it was a pleasant surprise.

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I am not feeling particularly witty today so this report may seem a little dry. It happens.

I was reminded of two truths today. 1)You can't catch a fish unless you go fishing.2) God has used and will continue to use people who are faithful and obedient. #2 is more important than #1.

I hope that everyone of you had a great day yesterday. We all have so much for which to be thankful.

See you soon. Tight Lines!


John 21: 5-6 Who is YOUR guide?

The lake wasn't very crowded today.  : )

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