LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor


It’s that time of year!

The 2002 season is drawing to an end. The ballots have all been submitted, reviewed, tallied and edited as needed. It is time for the envelopes to be opened. The Emmy’s? No. The CMA Awards? Nope.This is the moment for which you’ve all been waiting. It is finally time for the 1st annual ALVA D Carp/Catfish Honors Night. I hope as each person receives their award that you who are in the audience will hold your applause until the end of tonight’s program. Please remember to exhibit character, poise and above all, self-control. Jealousy, bitterness and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated!

Many of you have fished aboard this wonderful vessel this year. I’m sure that you all think (as well as your parents) that YOU should get an award tonight. Well, get over it! Only the strongest survive! It’s a dog eat dog world out there and nobody owes you nothin’!


The Envelopes Please...........


1) Our first Award tonight is the “Least likely to become a Carp Fisherman Award.” This award is given to one whose heart is quite frankly, not where it should be. He may be asked back next year but only if he can fish for those B_ _ _! (I can’t even say that word). This award goes to my favorite Austell pharmacist, Anthony Griffith.

2) Our next award is Most Improved. The recipient of this year’s award has finally realized that there is a difference between a Rod & Reel and a cane pole. We are so proud of Roger Bentley!

3) Most Assists goes to Gene Sparks. Gene has unselfishly as always helped with repairs upgrades and improvements throughout the season on the boat. We wouldn’t be here tonight if it wasn’t for Gene.

4) Rookie of The Year can only go to Dennis Brown. Dennis has been an Atlanta Fireman for almost 30 years and has seen many things go under and disappear. This season he learned that when you can’t find your bobber you just might have a fish! In his case a six-pound Carp!

5) Our next winner idles very high. He is hyper even when he is relaxed. I have known him over 20 years and he still goes full tilt. This years Hustle Award goes to Sam Marlow!

6) This next man is without question the luckiest man of the lot! I had the Carp of the Year in the bag and made the fatal mistake of inviting “Butterbean” Wynn fishing! With an 8lb, 5 oz fish the Bean gets this year’s coveted COY AWARD!

7) We were introduced to using rice as catfish chum this year by one of Alabama’s own. Greg Nunnelly is receiving The Uncle Ben Memorial Award.

8) After catching his first Carp ever aboard the ALVA D.... Billy Turner will receive this year’s Discovery Award! He has discovered what species of fish real men pursue.

9) While we are in the Turner neighborhood I would be honored to present tonight’s Captain’s Award to Sir Charles Turner! Charles is a joy to fish with and just a joy to have as a friend.

10) I have saved the best for last. Alva Daniel LaFavor was born on Nov 26, 1901. He was 51 years old when I was born. Daddy had a 2nd grade education. I never saw him write anything but A.D. LaFavor. His character was without question. His work ethic and love of the outdoors was unmatched. His sense of humor second to none. In honor of my dad I am presenting this year’s ALVA D award to my friend and my mentor...Mr. Charlie Goff!


I want to extend my love and gratitude to each of you who read this mess each week. God has blessed me beyond measure with so many friends. I want to give a special thanks to my new friend Ken Higginbotham for doing the website. Ken was going fishing with me today but he had to go out of town on business. Translated that means that he and his father in law Dale Kidd went tractor shopping in Ala today ( That’s the truth!)


Let me extend to each of you wishes for the best Thanksgiving ever! God has blessed us all. Why don’t we meet at HIS house tomorrow and thank Him?


Tight Lines!


" Always drink upstream from the herd."

Will Rogers Click To Download


Here is a pic of me and Chad. Almost 600 lbs of family fun! I'm the guy on the right.

donuts-lafavor.jpg (98338 bytes)


" The thrill of fishing is in the imagination.No matter the size of the one you just caught, there is always one bigger waiting to be landed."


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