LaFavor Chronicles
            by Horace LaFavor


Sept 7 Archives


Records, as we know, were meant to be broken.

Knowing that the Carp record aboard the ALVA D was 10 of the golden beauties (currently held by the Goff/LaFavor team) I searched high and low for someone who might be worthy of the challenge. Finding none, I asked Billy Turner to join me today in this venture. Today was Billy's inaugural Carp experience but when the dust cleared the Turner fishing blood was proudly displayed. Charles may be the Cat daddy but my boy Billy can catch the Carp! To sum it up we boated 9 with Billy catching the majority. One short of the record. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I personally lost four which would have put us well over the top but that just didn't happen today!

What did happen today was a fine 4 1/2 LB Channel Cat made the fatal mistake of trying to get my chicken liver. I made him taste cold hard steel and it was me and him and him and me for quite some time. Bottom line is that he is filleted and is in the bottom of the deep freeze instead of the bottom of Dog River.

I also landed the biggest soft shell turtle that I've seen so far. He looked somewhat like a 4 legged garbage can lid.Come to think of it, he even smelled a bit like a garbage can lid.

Special note to those who recently were aboard the ALVA D:

I had a problem with my camera today so I accidentally overexposed most of the roll. If you are waiting on pics, forget it. I'm sure we don't need proof. Our word will suffice .

It's time for me to sign off. Keep those lines tight.Drag set just right and since it's Saturday night I hope you will all be in God's house tomorrow!!

Take care.


" Always drink upstream from the herd." lastcarp2bz.jpg (4723 bytes)

Will Rogers

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