Nidus Otykaii
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About Otykaii

Double vowel sounds (aa, ee, ii, oo, uu, yy) are attached to the end of words/names to signify a particular title or distinction.

A brief history
and an introduction to the naming system

The planet known as Otykaii was discovred by a man named Otyka, to honor him, they named the planet as well as the continent that they originally colonized after him.  They distinguish between the two by using different double-vowels, Otykaii being the planet and Otykaa being the continent.  The reason Otykaa isn't Otykaaa, as it would be if you added 'aa' to Otyka's name to indicated a county/continent is because Otyka already ends with an 'a' so it would just be awkward to add two. 

Otyka's second-in command, Menok, helped greaty with the colonization of Otykaii, and so the first state and city (which eventually became the captial of Otykaii were both named after him (Menokuu and Monokoo).

The current ruler of Otykaa is Reika, his status is indicated with a double-'e', making his name Reikaee.

The only other distinction made with a double-vowel is double-'y', indicating 'mage'.  So, Eryn, a mage in Reikaee's court would be called Erynyy.

The 'ee' and 'yy' titles are only used as titles, it would be the same as addressing me as Ms. Darkwind (heh, can't imagine someone doing that...), I'd still be called Kendarath as well.

aa (ah) -> country/continent (Otykaa)
ee (ee) -> ruler (Reikaee)
ii (eye) -> planet (Otykaii)
oo (ew) -> captial (Menokoo)
uu (ooh) -> state (Menokuu)
yy (yih {like yick, but without the ck}) -> mage (Erynyy)

Some more background info...

-> Otykaii was originally described as a lush planet, with few native animals and no intelligent life

-> when colonists came, they brought livestock and seeds with them, though the seeds never grew except in hydroponics areas.

->when the Otykaii colonists had lived self-sufficiently for several generations they became recognized as an independent planet and 'given the right to govern themselves', though they had been doing that for quite some time.

->people continue to immigrate to Otykaii, but not in numbers anywhere close to what it originally was

-> Otykaii is an odd combination between technology and a more rural quality.  The majority of the population are tradesman, farmers, blacksmiths and the like.  But there are also businessmen and such who work on a larger and more technelogically-advanced scale.

->the greatest weapon on Otykaii is a catapult, most of the technology is in the areas of health-care and communication (mainly interplanetary).  Basically, think Earth's middle-ages.  Menokoo is the only city with an interplanetary port.

->recently, the denizens of Otykaii, who have been living peacefully for generations, have found a new continent, inhabited by a much more technelogically  advanced and violent race who have begun to make war upon Otykaa and their sister continent Xyccaa.
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