This is what we call an overhaul.� Or a keel-haul...!� And welcome to the House of Kendal.

Bear with me,'s not only under construction, it's completely up in the air (Oh, and by way of credits....Spleen by Coyo_te).. NEW NEW NEW(ish)! LINK DU JOUR! The Collage Page!...whether you've gotten a Kendal Kompilation or not, the images may interest you. They may scare the unholy heck out of you. It's under construction, but what isn't here at the house of Kendal?

Bear in mind, please, that the adventure page (a.k.a. the Happy Chef page of Kendal) is under construction and should someday have graven images. Really, Neal! I have the best of intentions...! Similarly, the dream page is vast and rambling, the Magnetic Poems Gallery is what we ALL make it, darlings, and I have a rumpload of other ideas, so... feel free to return. Merry Reading...!And lookit my counter! For the html- impaired, such a thing is a hugeish accomplishment. Heck, I'm still amazed I managed to put that there...
Excuse the overly-large buttons - I know they look heinous - and I do intend to fix them. If a link doesn't work, mail me and tell me so which the reader reads an old but yet still-interesting dreamlog... home of the White Fish Dream
...a primer on what is known as Kendalese. Go here if you want to know what 'fascist shirt-tucker' means
...once upon a time, there was a race of Giant Fiberglass Men.� Some of them were Happy Chefs.� I'm not making this up.� Read all about them. ...offered up as a cautionary tale.� Inform thyself about this dying phenomenon!
you WILL go here, and you WILL add to the gallery of magpoems.� Really. Poserific magpoets need not apply. ;b
...and would this be a personal web page if I didn't ramble on at length about my Personal Relationship With Jesus? ..I thought not.
The most self-explanatory link you're going to get, kidlets.
Once upon a time, and now and again through history, people alter existing texts in a way that just begs to be recorded.

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