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2003.08.26 (kenbo666)

Well, another semi-annual update.  Add/Removed stuff from the link-o-rama.   That's about it.

 - kenbo666
"Frag'm all and let the server sort'm out!"


2003.03.11 (kenbo666)
Getting better at these updates.  This time it was only 4 months! ;)

Before I get to the website updates, some life updates:  As some of you may know, I had a stroke on the 14th of January.  This stroke effected the left side of my body.  Over a period of 5 day all control slowly (o so slowly) drained away.  I spent 3 weeks in the hospital and rehab.  After 4 weeks I was back at work (thank the gods).  

It's been 2 months now and I'm doing well.  The out patient rehab money ran last week, so I've been left too my own devices; which mean I'm going to the "Y" three days a week.  I'd go more often, but it's too hard to bum rides off of people.  

Speaking of driving -- I can't -- but I'm scheduled to take an Driving Therapy course in April.  Why so long a wait?  Get this: in the greater Fort Wayne area, there is only one therapist who can run the classes.   And she only runs them on Wednesdays!  So April 9th it is.

OK now on to the updates.  What's new on the web site:

- Bio updates.  Cleaned it up, added my furry code and my geek code.  Need more pictures though.  So any of my friends with digital pics, that aren't being used for black-mail purposes, please send them to me.
- New gallery entries. Adding Some stuff for 3rd Addition DnD: Generic Character Sheet, A quick reference guide, a guide to my world, a flash map of the world.
- The Link-o-Rama has been updated.

Still Coming Soon: Some of the stories I wrote.

 - kenbo666
"Frag'm all and let the server sort'm out!"


2002.12.11 (kenbo666)

WOW!  This update only took 16 Months.  :P  So what's new:

- New Links.
- New gallery entries.
- New PDF forms for RPG games.

Coming Soon: So of the stories I wrote.

- kenbo666
"Frag'm all and let the server sort'm out!"


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