Currently, the United States has a standing policy of preventing foreign nations like Iran and North Korea from developing nuclear weapons. Who do we think we are? Do we have a right to tell others that they cannot have nuclear weapons while we have plenty of them? It's so hypocritical.

But putting the moral issue aside, it is still very short-sighted to try to stop others from developing nuclear weapons. All we're doing is delaying the inevitable. No matter what we do, most nations will eventually have nuclear weapons, and then what are we going to do? Can we maintain a stable cold war with many other countries? I doubt it.

I believe we have to stop bullying others and start trying to make them our friends. We need to develop relationships that are mutually profitable. If we can set up a situation whereby anyone who seriously damages our nation would also suffer. We currently have this kind of friendship with all the members of the world economy. We saw this on 9/11 when the terrorist attack caused our stock market to take a dive. The Many other nations suffered economically along with us.

Peace is the answer.

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Last updated: 9/7/08
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